Noticed this morning that l have lost small patches of eyebrow. Wandered if anyone else has had similar on Hydroxycarbamide? Seems to be only my eyebrows. I will get it checked seeing haematologist but curious others had similar experience
Patches missing eyebrow hair : Noticed this... - MPN Voice
Patches missing eyebrow hair
Two possibilities. 1. HU does cause alopecia. 2. Iron deficiency can also cause alopecia.
If you have no prior issues with alopecia prior to HU, then it is reasonable to think that would be the cause. Not a certain thing though.
FYI - I also have lost a fair bit of my eyebrows and also other body hair. In my case due to iron deficiency related to PV treatment. Also lost most of the hair on my head. That is due to OLD syndrome. Oh well, good thing I like a buzz cut anyway.
I had the hair on head or old syndrome fairly young late thirties Lol. No history of alopecia but l suspect your correct it’s probably linked to HU. I will get it checked sooner if it continues
Thanks for the reply Hunter
Also at your next visit to doc, ask them to check your thyroid levels, vit B12 and ferritin. Under active thyroid and low levels of B12 and ferritin ( your iron store) can all result in hair ( eyebrow ) loss, usually the outer part.
Thanks Debra l will get those checked. I did wander if it might be iron levels too
If the hair loss is mostly the outer third of your eyebrows it has a strong link to thyroid issues.
Thanks it s kind of in the middle of the eyebrow and in two small patches

Interesting that its only the eyebrows and not your scalp first. I see you plan on following up with your doctor...I saw that vit d deficiency and iron deficiency could cause it. MPN patients are more likely to be vitamin d deficient. Also, people with darker skin tones are much more likely to be vitamin d deficient. Definitely worth getting tested for.
Yes he was going to check my Vit D levels for Covid reasons
I checked other Thyroid disease symptoms but it is so far only my eyebrows- l have no other as far as l can tell. Seeing the haematologist in 10days if it gets worse l will get an early appointment
I lost all my eyebrows before diagnosis. Mum mum lost hers too and she hasn’t got an MPN.
Yes it could be unrelated. That’s why l thought l ask to see if others have had similar- thanks
It’s horrid though- actually I would rather use loss of eyebrows as a result of meds than genes. Maybe then people would actually realise that having an MPN is a major illness.
Dovme, get 'em tattooed on, lasts about a year and nobody will know!
It’s not that bad - looks like l am trying to be cool a line across my eyebrow . I will get it checked first but yes if it gets worse
They actually look amazing , very natural, especially if you go for the ombre style.
I'm not on Hydroxycarbamide and I have lost patches of eyebrows, particularly the outer edge. They say it's to do with the thyroid.
My wife has very little eyebrow hair all her life, diagnosed with MF 30 months ago though we suspect she had an mpn all her life.
Think it’s one of these conditions that can be due to many things.
I will get it checked
In case others have similar issues and find my feedback helpful. l saw my haematologist the eyebrow patches are due to HU. It doesn’t seem to have gotten any worse or affected other areas since my last post