Hi looking for some advice. Diagnosed with PV 2.5yrs ago and been on Peginterferon for the last 2years, I am 44yrs old. My bloods are all normal if not a bit on the lower side now and until now have been relatively unsymptomatic. I only take 45 every month now.
For the past 4-6wks I have experienced chronic knee inflammation worse at night and waking me up. Really getting me down. Also causes numbness in feet and hands, all of these symptoms I was getting just after diagnosis when I was on Interferon alpha and had to stop, symptoms went as soon as went on Peginterferon.
My questions although I will speak to my medical team, I know inflammation is a big concern with PV, does this inflammation come from the PV or JAK 2 or do you believe it’s from the Interferon (struggling to believe its the Interferon as I don’t take a huge dose). Does it sound like Gout?
I know this is inflammatory based as the odd time I take an anti inflammatory the pain goes (I know we aren’t supposed to take but just desperate).
Also not sure if I’m coming to the end with Interferon and may need to explore other treatments.
Would welcome any advice and thoughts.