Hey guys,
I wrote here a couple of months ago about some blood test results I got done where my doctor suspected PV, my Hb was at 175 and my HCT was up to 50.1 and my iron was low. I’m only 27 years old, don’t drink and never smoked so my GP was freaked out.
I ended up going to a haematologist on the 23rd of April, he ordered a JAK2 test, EPO test and just all my bloods to be redone and I was to go back today, the 21st of May, for the results.
Today my results were: Hb 135 and HCT 40, my EPO was ‘perfect’ which I presume means 7? I forgot to ask the number but he is sending me out the results anyway. My iron was still low, but hasn’t changed. He said the only noteworthy thing was my lymphocytes, apparently they’re supposed to be between 1-4 and they were at 0.8 but he did say they could be affected by my lack of treating myself well from stress lately. My JAK2 test was negative.
I asked why he thinks it could be so drastically different, because 175 down to 135 seemed pretty drastic to me and he said he couldn’t say it was ‘normal’ but took into account the fact that I had been to a sauna the day before and that could have dehydrated me on a deeper level than I realised? Interesting I guess.
But yes, it has been an incredibly stressful few months, I will continue to keep an eye on myself and my blood in general from now on, he said in his opinion I am all good and well and to continue living life and taking care of myself.
I know I haven’t chatted here much but I’ve been coming to this forum everyday since I heard the words ‘Polycythaemia Vera’ and I can’t thank everyone enough for the constant reassurance it gave me, I have pretty chronic anxiety in general that plagues me everyday about even the smallest things so this forum has done more for keeping me calm lately than I can even say, so thank you everyone, sending love and good vibes to you all ❤️