Hi, just looking for information.Today had my bloods done, pick meds up, been informed today that interferon 2a has been discontinued, so the consultant has put me on peg interferon, my bloods etc have been stable, worried things might change. I know peg stays in the blood stream for longer, so only have to inject every week.
Peg interferon: Hi, just looking for information... - MPN Voice
Peg interferon

I have been on Peg the last 18 months after 13 years on Hydroxy - Peg is very effective and you should find it good to use especially if you are used to interferon - Peg has side effects but for you going from standard interferon to it should find it is easier on symptoms - all the best I am sure you will find it good
I’ve been on peg interferon for last 18 months and it’s changed my life. My platelets are the best they’ve ever been and I get no side effects. I hope it's the same for you xx
I have been on Peg for almost 5 years. It normalised my bloods with minimal to none side effects. I started at 90mcg per week when my platelets were 1.5 million, and now I inject only 45mcg every 3 weeks. I hope you will find it an improvement from your current standard interferon treatment. Given that your bloods are stable starting at 45mcg would seem sensible - the advice with Peg is to start on a low dose and increase if needed later. Good luck!
Of course they have to monitor you during the changeover but I sure would rather go to Peg from regular than the other direction.
I've been on Pegasys over 3 years. Once you get the correct dose it's an amazing drug. Good luck.
Ive been on peg for 2.5 months at 45mcg. Was suppose to increase eventually to 180 over time but have had such a great response at the lower dose with very minimal and only occasional light headedness and fatigue, that Ive just stayed here.
Started me off at 90mcg this week so hopefully they might be able to lower dose x
Yeah agreed w Manouche - the medicine works, so if you can tolerate it and your numbers are behaving I wouldnt think you’d lower until youre in range or dealing w a nasty side effect.
I changed from regular interferon to Pegasys four months ago. Was put straight on 135mg a week as I was already injecting regular interferon 4/5 times a week to try and keep platelets below 700. Unfortunately platelets have not yet altered much, although they do seem to be going slightly downwards on last blood test so hopeful. Side effects so much better, not so irritable, and only having to inject once a week, wonderful.
A similar story to mine. I had been doing particularly well on inferon 2A and was told just before this pandemic hit that Roche was not producing it anymore.
I was a little apprehensive but my consultant and my Macmillan Nurse reassured me that I would be monitored closely over the initial period. I've now been on it over two months and have experienced no new side effects.
Thanks for reply, great you have been ok with the change , just would like to ask how often were you getting bloods done when you started peg interferon . My nurse phoned today and said after four weeks i would have bloods done. I thought it would be more regularly.