I'm new to all this i am a 57 yr old woman, who has been diagnosed as having thrombocytosis.
I am being monitored by the oncology unit in my local hospital.
My platelets are rising and falling almost monthly 650 then 589 , 550, 480, 444, then yesterday back up to 520.
I am horrendously fatigued (I can sleep all day). My skin bleeds easily and my blood is very thin, every little cut or graze gets infected. One of my toe nails fell off last week. My hair has thinned and i have pins and needles in my hands. My face is puffy I've gained weight generally and my blood feels like its boiling . Last week i found a lump on my thyroud (with a large surface area) and i have referred to an ENT consultant next week.
The ultra sound scans on my spleen, kidneys and liver are all normal & i don't have the JAK 2 mutation.
I'm at s loss as to where to go and what to do. My erratic platelet count and the fact they I generally feel unwell is worrying me .
Does anyone have and suggestions they could offer me please. Id greatly appreciate any help.