I have just been offered a new overseas job, I'm a Project Engineer, however one of the crirteria for failing the pre-employment medical, is 'known case of cancer', as I have ET I guess that is me still out of work! Is there anyway ET would not cause me to fail, so frustrating as my platelet counts are stable as is my hydroxycarbomide doseage and I've never suffered any problems at all.
Employment Problem ET: I have just been offered a... - MPN Voice
Employment Problem ET

Hi Flaxy, perhaps you could get some further information on this as to the type of cancer they are referring to. Maz
Congratulations on the job offer. I would check what cancers they are talking about. I would assume its to do with visas & medical insurance. If you can show through results that you're levels are stable and could get consultant to support this with a letter then I would still proceed. Talk with the company, if you are in UK then you are covered by the disability act & can't be refused a job because of your condition if you are able to do the job. Check with your hospital how much medication you can have in advance, check if it can be taken into the country that you will be working in & put your case forward as to why you should still have the role. You are obviously considered the best for the job so don't give up. Show how it can be handled to work for both sides & impress them with your organisation & planning.
Good luck.
Hi Flaxy
my understanding is that in the UK having 'cancer' falls under the disability discrimination act, so not offering the job to someone with cancer could be an issue.
Obviously the reason they know is because you have declared it during the recruitment process.
Seems strange to me. You could ask a union, a professional body or Citizens Advice Bureau for advice if you wanted to understand it better.
Best of luck
Appreciate the responses, thanks for taking the trouble. The position is with a foreign company in the Middle East and as such no UK laws apply, however, I do know that my consultant will support me and medication quantity/taking with me are not problematic. The medical is undertaken prior to travel, I have not disclosed my condition as yet, perhaps that is a consideration.
You seem to really want this. Do whatever you think is necessary to get that job, if you are truly stable. Just something to think about: The Middle East is hot. I’m Greek and never had problems even with 44 degrees. Since the ET, I can’t handle temp above 31/32. Good luck, Flach!