Hi. Am wondering if anyone knows if our bodies heal more slowly from injuries because Hydroxyurea or ET? I seem to be taking a long time to recover from tendon damage in my elbow & achilles. Thanks for any info you have. Katie
Slow healing from ET or Hydrea??: Hi. Am wondering... - MPN Voice
Slow healing from ET or Hydrea??

I’m currently waiting for a scrap on my leg to heal like it should. Going on week 2 and still isn’t how it is supposed to be.
Hi Katie,
I really don't know the answer to that, but I have been wondering the same thing! I had a shoulder operation about 2 years ago, and I just seem to keep pulling muscles or tendons there now and feeling like the thing has become quite vulnerable. I realize that it is easy to blame hydroxyurea for just about everything, but the thought that it might somehow interfere with the healing process or make damaged or scarred areas weaker does seem to make some sense to me. I wonder if anyone has an answer to this, or if studies have been done?
Hi Katie,
When I asked my hemo about whether to have the flu jab she said that hydroxycarbamide impairs the immune system (therefore have the jab) and as the immune system is a key part of the healing process I guess it could result in slower healing. I have ET and haven't noticed any healing problems, but we all respond in different ways.
Hope you are on the mend soon
The trouble is, age comes into the equation, and, as I am 74, (ET JAK2+), that probably slows down the healing process. My biggest problem is my feet; either due to poor circulation or nerve damage, but everything seems to be going wrong down there, from strained tendons to having to wear passion killer TED stockings.
I have an idea on the passion killer TED Socks. I’m in the US and our professional sports players, basketball, football, etc. all wear compression socks. I suspect they do where you are also. And runners now wear them too. They come in great sporty colors. I get mine from Amazon. They’re made by CEP & are designed for runners so they’re relatively lightweight & don’t look dorky like the white ones. But there are lots of styles & colors. I wear them with shorts too. Check out “compression” socks. Good luck.
PS you’re right though about healing slower as we age. I forgot that aspect. Im 67.
Thank you all for your replies. It would be nice to know for certain if affects physical injuries. Katie
Exactly the same problem. I’ve had Achilles tendonitis since April. Awaiting a scan. It’s now affecting my knee and back because I’m limping.
My Physio is puzzled as when she works the fluid away from my ankle she said it immediately returns. A small heeled shoe helps me enormously.
Have you tried wearing a boot? That’s really helped mine not get worse. Mine was caused by taking the antibiotic Ciproflaxin. I hope you heal soon. Katie
Thank you, I’ve noticed a heeled shoe helps. Things are now a lot worse. Yesterday I got on the bus whilst in Cypress. I heard and felt my knee pop. I think I’ve torn a ligament in my knee. I Can’t walk. I’m going to have to go to seek medical help in morning. So fed up with all the injuries I’ve suffered on to of my Et.
Are our joints weaker?
Not that I know of but I get these weird pains in my hands, feet, fingers & toes. We live in Florida for 7 months & it started there. But when we got to Wisconsin this summer I had no pain anymore. But it’s not just joints & is limited to those areas. I’m so sorry about your knee. I assume you’re on vacation & that’s an awful thing to have occur anytime but especially on vacation in a different country. Hope you’re able to get relief soon. Katie
How I love USA I ve travelled to America quite a few times. Never to Wisconsin though.
Yep on vacation there might be a problem with my health insurance too. I didn’t inform them of a minor ailment. So they could refuse to pay.
Apart from all my joint and muscle injuries I’m symptom free ( Et Calr) I do hope your issues ease. Regarding weird pain if it’s itching. Apparently it’s linked to the weather. Professor Messa from the Mayo clinic explained that it is a medical fact. Don’t quote me but it’s to do with the white blood cells rising to the surface during hot weather.
Maybe ‘you tube’ it. That’s where I learnt about it.
Good luck
I guess we are in the minority Wyebird, judging by the lack of replies on this. Have you had a Doppler test done? My circulation gets down there but can't find the branch line coming back up. You could be joining the exclusive TED stocking club! Katie has bucked me up no end and I will wear mine with pride, colour coordinated off course!
I think yes. Have ET but take anagrelide. Achilles tendinitis since May. Able to take 10 steps with walking boot or 30 with the boot with minimal pain after 4 months. Asked my Heme/Onc the same question and he thought maybe both. Lowered anagrelide by 30% last week just in case and healing is 10 times better 5 days later! Not exactly proof but sure seems like it helped! I’m 53 and take 1mg anagrelide w/325mg aspirin in am and 0.5mg AG w/325mg aspirin in pm.
That’s really helpful information. Thank you so much for letting me know. I saw my orthopedic doc today who said chemo can also cause this but I’m not certain he knows. I feel much better knowing what you learned & experienced. Katie