My beautiful granddaughter,madison made her dramatic appearence today after 3 tense days of of waiting.originally was told she was being delivered by c/section on the 13th sept, 3 weeks early because of rare condition.on the day of my haemo appointment on the 5th sept, just stepped out of taxi to go into my appointment when i get a call saying their was concerns over babies health & she would probably have to have to have c/section that day! I rushed into hospital,had bloods done & told specialist nurse i had to go, it was an emergency & she told me to go & she would make sure my prescription was sorted in pharmacy & to call her when i could.we had 3 agonising days of waiting with my daughter being given steroids & constant heart tracings on baby,the waiting & sleepless nights worth it? Subsequently i canelled my appointment with stroke conconsultant on the 6th of sept to be there for my daughter. My granddaughter weighed in at 5llb 2, a lot bigger than expected & amazing drank 2 ounces of milk,which they didn't expect.consultants very happy with her progress.think we all shocked & makes missing my appointments worth it. Even living with an mpn, its days like this that make it bearable! Long way to go with future operations but at the moment,taking after her mum (my daughter) & me(grandma)! Magical moment & lots of sleep to catch up on! Hope all mpn'ers have good weekend.🤗tina.x👶💤
Like mother like daughter, like grandma!🍼 - MPN Voice
Like mother like daughter, like grandma!🍼

Aww congratulations Tina!!! I am delighted for you and your daughter, for your family. Your new infant grandaughter has without a doubt a wonderful strong and supportive grandmother in you Tina!! I hope your daughter recovers well and that her baby girl continues to thrive..all the best Susan xxx
Thank you susan,both doing brilliant, daughter already on her feet& madison is amazing drs with her progress,doing things she wasn't expected to do.thank you for kind words.wishing you well.tina🤗x
Congratulations Tina, and to your daughter too. What a traumatic time for you all! Hope your granddaughter is ok, grandchildren are such a blessing. Karen x
That's fantastic congratulations but what a time you've had!! Everything will be fine now I'm sure with your new little treasure. Kindest regards to all your family. Xx Aime
Congratulations Tina, wishing the very best to yourself your Daughter and the new arrival.
Congratulations to you all!
Hope baby continues to improve and so pleased that things went well in the end.
Best wishes
Delighted for all of you that everything has turned out well. You must feel a huge sense of relief!
Mary xx
A new little life is always wonderful and the trauma surrounding her birth will soon be forgotten. Children and now grandchildren are for me life’s greatest blessings. Best wishes to you all xx
Congratulations to all of you. My eldest son was only 4lbs 10 oz when he was born and struggled to feed. He's now a strapping 6ft 2"with a very good job. (Although I hope your granddaughter doesn't grow that big!) x
Great news Tina, , I felt your stress as my son was on a heart monitor when in the womb and listening to it speeding up and slowing down for hours on end was like torture as we wanted him out safe and well. In the end they said he was stressed and did C Section and his cord was round his neck but luckily he was fine. . . I think that's why we stopped at one child.
Very best wishes to a proud Grandma.
Regards - Chris x
True Chris ,a trauma with the first ,stops you in your tracks....same for me and hubby.....used to get so mad when folks said to me ,you should have more babies etc......-any are you doing? Good to know you are back on here with your wisdom,did you cope with the heat? I was totally knocked out,heat here was even more intense and dangerous,thank goodness now we have normal lovely days,so I can get outside at last!!!
Very best as always to you Sally
My son's mother had polycystic ovaries so conception was hard anyway but after our birthing trauma we just felt so lucky to have a healthy baby trying for another didn't seem important.
Im going along ok thanks Sally and soaked up the hot weather in moderation, , now it's wind and rain and I put my winter bonnet on when we ventured out yesterday. Still waiting for further eye surgery and need extensive dental work. Que sera sera.
Regards - Chris
Congratulations,Hope mum and baby thrive well,and you too!! Sally
Congratulations to you and to your daughter. Great news that your granddaughter arrived safely and is thriving. Long may that continue.
Congratulations. I'm sure she will put a whole new perspective on life!
That’s wonderful news Tina! Congratulations on your granddaughter and health and happiness to you all.x
Thank you kerry i have just left the neo-natal unit,she is absolutely beatiful. I said in my orighnal post she had drank 2 ounces,it was in fact 2ml! Can't blame usual et/hydrea brain fog,must be a brain fog connected to being a nana again! She now up to 9mls,drs astounded by her rapid progress,she's the only 1 in her room were her oxygen is 100/%. Thank you again & i hope you hear something soon about premises with your job.wishing you good health.🤗tina x.