When I last posted, I was heading off with 2 HU bombs into enemy territory after my fierce monocle wearing Haemo Wallah upped the anti on the platelet factories. In truth my little biplane has struggled to carry this new load. I was stricken with a very sore mouth on about day 3 after the increase, and the soreness was soon artistically decorated by painful mouth ulcers on and under the tongue, and inside my lower lip and cheeks that I have sported for over a week now. I also became more tired than before, and have felt like I was struggling through mud and grime on the Western Front, rather than gambolling above it in the clouds and open air.
I have found that rinsing the mouth with cold salt water helps, and I also keep up the frequent drinks of cool water too.
Out of the blue a few afternoon's ago, I received a phone call from the hospital rheumatology department offering me a consultation just after nine in the morning a couple of days hence. I had been seen by that department back in 2015, and I had assumed I had fallen off their books for some reason. Whilst I think that the Behcet's syndrome that I was suspected to have had when I saw them back then was really not the case, I took up the offer of a consultation, if only to close that chapter of my medical history!
The young Asian registrar that had been assigned to deal with me turned out to be charming, very bright, and possessed a sense of humour and warmth. I was impressed by the fact that she had already read my notes and had brought herself up to date about my ET. She was very understanding about the ulcers and has written me out a prescription of something to try (when the pharmacist gets it in). I have been troubled by a sore big toe since last November, and she was able to confirm that it was in fact possible that it is gout, and she had a good look at the offending digit, gave me good advice about it, and has put me on quite a long course of anti inflammatory medication as well as Omeprazole to protect the stomach as she knows I have to have the daily aspirin.
I walked into that consultation fearing it would be a waste of time, and came out feeling happy, listened to, supported, and more confident.
I must sign off now, but Cheers to Everyone!