Hi, I am new to the forum having been diagnosed with PV in May 2017 . My treatment up till now has only consisted of Asprin, however following my last appointment my Haematologist wants me to have venesection .Does this mean the Asprin alone has not had the desired effect? I assume that further blood tests will determine if/when I will need further venesection, but I wonder how soon after the first venesection you would expect to see a positive reaction in eg Hematocrit concentration .
I appreciate that my haematologist, is the best person to answer such questions, but as usual was a bit overwhelmed at my last clinic appointment and it was only when I left that I considered these points .
I am due at haematology clinic next month, when I hope to be better prepared,
Meantime I only ask if any of the forum members have experience of this sort of treatment plan.
Kind regards,