Hi friends are taking This drink 2/3cups daily to prevent cancer , it also helps with weight loss , im told its natural and it will make me feel better! but in past when i ask consultant advice on supplements etc , he doesnt know . so im in two minds , i want to do what ever i can to help myself like most of us on here ,so if anyone can help or are drinking this tea i would be grateful thanks my friends regards Holly
Matcha tea ? Anyone taking it to help cancer cel... - MPN Voice
Matcha tea ? Anyone taking it to help cancer cells ?

Hi Holly, have to admit I've never heard of this tea but on doing a bit of research I'm going to give it a go! (I don't mind being a guinea pig!!) I'm not a big fan of normal green tea but this is supposed to taste much better and you're only making a small amount so it shouldn't be too hard to take, and it's full of good stuff! I've ordered a premium grade from Amazon, bit expensive for a 30g pot but, again it's only half a teaspoon per serving, so will see how it goes and report back! I'm post PV MF, on Rux, allopurinol and aspirin. Thanks for the info on it Holly, take care, Christine

Hi Christine thanks , yes was going to say my friend gets it from amazon , you get a measuring spoon with it also , she keeps telling me i will feel much better if i drink it ,like you i dont like normal green teas! julie isnt on any meds at all she is 66 , i try to tell her that just because something is natural , it may be fine if one isnt taking prescribed medication from Drs there can be interactions or our meds may not work as well ... i could be wrong i see my heam on 14th who happens to be oriental i will check with him ! all the best to you take care Holly
I fell in love with Starbucks iced green tea macha latte. So I bought some, also from Amazon. It's delicious iced with milk. But has enough calories I can't drink too often. Have no knowledge about health benefits. And you're 100% right Holly, being "natural" doesn't mean something is good for us. Even for those without health problems or on medication. Katie
I would avoid milk!
The one my friend gets seemed to help with weight ! its the tea not latte x
Hi,I have been drinking green tea for years and matcha, on regular basis, for about three. I have regular contacts with Japanese people and travelled to Japan, which is probably where my fondness for it originates from. Tea, in general, has a lot of health properties, green tea in particular since is undergoes less processing. There is a massive difference between green tea from China and Japan. Nowadays, India and Africa are also green tea producers and this includes matcha. The market is full of green/matcha tea including, as it has been mentioned, Amazon. This may be due to the recent fashion for "clean" living which includes, in its mantra, drinking matcha. It has been proven that matcha contains many compounds (vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, chlorophyll) which are health promoting but, as always, there is a lot hype, which should be taken with a pinch of salt. I believe that matcha is beneficial for one's health but I wouldn't go as far as saying that it has cancer preventing (or even curing) properties because if it was true, I wouldn't have cancer. As for weight loss properties, I can see it advertised, but I am sceptical. These claims may be based on the fact that matcha is beneficial for metabolisms and fills you up as it contains the whole leaf which is ingested while drinking.
There is also the issue of matcha preparation. If incorrectly prepared, some of the health benefits are lost (especially temperature sensitive vitamins, such as vit C). Therefore, care has to be taken to use water at the correct temperature.
I enjoy matcha and I start every day with a cup. I sometimes wonder if it's addictive because I get cranky if I don't have my cup in the morning. I travel with a kit and make it wherever I go, but this is mainly because I like it and not because of weight loss or as a cancer cure.
Could you please tell us if water should be boiling or just short of boiling or just hot? Thank you. Katie
Hi Katie, I am sorry for a delay in my reply, I'm traveling at the moment and don't look at my emails as regularly as I do at home.
The best temperature for making matcha is about 80 degrees Celsius. It shouldn't be above 80 but you can get it as low as 70. Below that it won't taste as good. There are kettles on the market, which let you set the temperature of your water; otherwise it's guesswork. You will also need a whisk of some sort. The best ones are Japanese bamboo ones which you can get on Amazon or in specialist shops. They are not expensive, you can get one for about £7. You then put some powder in a little bowl (Amazon will try to sell you one but I am sure that everyone has a similar bowl, or a big French mug, in their kitchens so no point in buying) and a little of your hot water to cover the powder. Then use the whisk for about a minute to turn the powder and the water into a thick soupy liquid with light green froth on top. Fill the bowl up with the rest of the water and voi a la, your tea is ready. You can add some honey to it if you want, or milk (almond, cashew or cows', according to your preference), and enjoy. I don't add anything but it's a matter of taste and you can experiment. Once you make it a few times, it will be a piece of cake.
Recently, I was served a mixture of matcha with moringa powder, milk and honey. It was delicious but I don't think I would drink it in that form every day. It will have to be an occasional treat.
The Japanese add matcha powder to many of their dishes, particularly sweet ones, such as cakes or biscuits which are quite nice. If you want to experiment with baking, get the cheaper version tea, not ceremonial grade.
Enjoy your matcha experience!
Thank you for you informative reply , i agree with what you say , im going to give it a whirl mainly because im hooing it will help me sleep better and give me a bit more get up n go haha i lost my mojo of late keep well best wishes Holly
Matcha tea has caffeine in it which is possibly why you get grumpy if you don't drink it. This also means Holly that it may not be good to drink before bed.
I have bladder cancer as well as PV so I should avoid caffeine but having PV means fatigue which means I need something so I am drinking clean matcha green by Pukka (which has dandelion, fennel and lemon in it) at the moment and I do have a matcha powder too, which I can add to smoothies or make a drink out of. I really do believe and there was something I read once about green tea helping with the bloods. Unfortunately consultants won't know much about supplements sadly, just like they are not that great with nutrition. No harm in trying it although not sure about preventing cancer completely as there are lots of reasons why we get cancer and there is no magic pill, it's a wide range of things, diet, stress, lifestyle etc. x