Just about to see works Dr for my routine check up. I have sciatica. Have had for a good year in both legs. Is my ET seen as a chronic disease. I know it may seem a silly question but I'm fairly new to all of this. I'm still waiting for a response from my haematologist about treatment. My platelets had risen to 901. I have migraine and tiredness. Can't work out if it's because I work 12 Hr shifts. My age or symptoms. I'm ok in myself and deemed low risk. My sciatica is still painful but I managed it with a tens machine and cocoadamol. Soon as I try areobic high impact exercise everything hurts again. I'll see what happens.
Is ET a chronic illness: Just about to see works... - MPN Voice
Is ET a chronic illness

Hi Heathermc, short answer is yes. . . Any condition likely to last longer than 3 months. Good luck with doc. Chris
As ever, Chris, there you encouraging fellow sufferers, you really a one great Star....missed your input when things were so bad and never ever stopped thinking of you (and praying for increased appetite...which sounds as if being answered). Very best wishes to you and your incredible wife, Tinkerbell13 and wish Heathermc all the best especially, too.
Thanks Tinkerbelle13 . . Very kind of you. Yes I'm afraid the BK Virus in March /April hit me hard and I was lucky to get through it both physically and mentally. And you hit nail on the head as my wife is incredibly strong being by my side through it all. I'm not always the easiest of patients - borne out of frustration, but she is unwavering in her support and commitment. There's no doubt you ladies are superior when the chips are down. My appetite remains good. . Chris
Sure your amazing wife would be the first to say she is married to the bravest most fantastic man imaginable. Even if little grumps emerge now and then, it is only just to remind everyone "you're only human!". Will carry on thinking of you and of her and of your family and may you be restored day by day. Kindest regards and so pleased re appetite. Tinkerbell13
It seems to me you need to spend some time finding out about ET. There is a lot of information available from MPN Voice and through Maz if you write to her.
I don't really understand why you have had to wait for treatment. Many of us have found it is good to see an MPN specialist.....the average GP and hospital haematologist often does not know a great deal about MPNs and it makes us feel 'safer' if we speak to an expert.
Good luck,
My doctor said is.
That should have read my doctor said it is a chronic illness. Good luck, Ian.

Hi Heather, yes MPNs are chronic diseases. You could ask the works doctor to have a look at our website mpnvoice.org.uk if they need any information. Good luck with it all, Maz