This is Bonnie, my two year old westie who is never far from my side. She senses when I am not feeling 100% and this morning this was my welcoming cuddle. Better than any medicine in the world. Hands up those who went "awwwww" lol
Do you mind if I make you smile today: This is... - MPN Voice
Do you mind if I make you smile today

Excuse my clash of pj bottoms and t-shirt lol
She's just gorgeous!! love from Tinkerbell13
Thanks Tinks, we think so too lol. Having a particularly bad week this week with horrendous pain in my spine and hips. Having extra morphine but it's not touching it. On top of that I was working at my desk on my second module of my diploma course and I knocked my pen off the desk. I reached sideways to pick it up and I swear I have cracked my rib on the hard arm off the office chair. I felt something give and the pain is terrible. At docsmon Wednesday so will get him to check it out. Hope you are well my friend xx
My heart goes out to you, that pain just sounds too excruciating and just hope doctor can help, but only sorry you have to wait till Wed....should you be going to A&E in meantime...just wish could take that horrible pain away from you. `Lifting you up in love and prayers and so caring about you...Tinkerbell13
Lovely little dog,aren't our dogs just the best cheer up ever.
ha, lovely little dog.
Nothing like the love of a Westie!!! Bonnie is adorable and i know what you mean my little Westie Claudia always knows when I am having a fatigue day and tucks up close with me. Dogs are little treasures. Jill
Awwwww, Best wishes aime x 😺
Yes our dogs always cheer us up! You've certainly been in the wars lately hope you're feeling better soon 😘
Beautiful dog. I have a Border Terrier. They certainly do cheer you up xxx
I am in quite a lot of pain since February; it may be nerve damage but my MRI will hopefully give me the answers.
I went home from work at lunchtime, as always, to feed and exercise my new puppy, Scamper. We sat in the sun and I thought 'I would be busy at work now, gulping down my sandwich to catch up on reports etc'. He's changed my life and when I think 'why didn't I get a dog sooner?' I know that I wouldn't have gotten this little guy xxx
dammit, want to attach a pic of him. . .
I have a westie too, named Jackie! They are so cute and loveable. She really can sense when something is wrong and rushes to comfort me. Glad you have a buddy and hope all is well! -Theresa