Alls well : A big thank you you my friends for... - MPN Voice

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Alls well

16 Replies

A big thank you you my friends for your good wishes , platelets up a little , but she thinks way im feeling is because ,i have iritis in my eyes after having my cataracts done 3 weeks ago and other eye 6 week ago ,Aso my Athuritis in my neck and shoulders been inflamed last few weeks which all havent helped in way im feeling plus anxiety playing a large part , im seeing her again in 2 months . I have a Gp appoiment in morning so will get her to help re change of meds for pain and inflamation! Thanks again for supporting me best wishes Holly xxx

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16 Replies
Helen1952 profile image

Good news that all is well MPN wise .

Hope the GP can sort out the other things .

Hopefully the anxiety will ease a bit now you know . It seemed you were waiting for that appointment forever .xx

in reply to Helen1952

Hi Helen , yes was a 4 mth wait ! but next one early Feb , and seems a cert that i will go on treatment then! saw Gp thursday my blood pressure pill at 4 mg she seemed happy with bp and wants me to take 20mg paraoxtine for anxiety and deppression ( wanted me on 30 mg 2 week ago ) but it made me feel heady shes not my regular gp as it is ! mine is away all of November 😒 Think heam a bit concerned with my age and higher risks with my mitral valve and palpations and now bp so its looks like its time for me to be on Hu , hope your doing well Helen and alls good with your new home best wishes love Holly xx

Stevesmum42 profile image

Good news.....pleased your mind is at rest. Sandy.

in reply to Stevesmum42

Thank you Sandy xx

JediReject profile image

Cheers for letting us know Holly , , was thinking of you earlier today and wondering if you would get any answers. . . Glad you came away wiser. Hope your GP can put the icing on the cake. ., (I know you like cake) x

in reply to JediReject

Me like cake !! Never haha , hope your doing well young man , after what you have been through of late , your always positive ,and thats what i need to be my daughter keeps on at me to live my life more ,and be happy best wishes Holly x

Great news , hopefully you can try to relax a little now and get something to ease your arthritis and give you some relief wishes. Jk

Phelpsy profile image

Hi Holly I do hope your feeling less Anxious this morning ,

Hope your GP was if a good help regarding your arthuritis that sounds painful , bless you & take good care hope your eyes are improving very soon two X

Love Pam x

in reply to Phelpsy

Thanks Pam , re eyes im off to hospital Tuesday,hopefully be last time there regarding post op for cataracts then back end JAn for the glaucomma clinic . i feel like a motor car with my parts keep falling apart haha ! guess its part of ageing factor too eh best wishes Holly xx

lizzziep profile image

I have ET and am on HU. I have recently had electro acupuncture for the arthritis in my knees. It did help with the pain and inflammation - plus no side effects! My GP did this, unfortunately he is leaving and none of the others do it. The effect is fading and the pain is coming back so I am going to pay privately to have it done and see if a regular session will help more. It could maybe help you too.


in reply to lizzziep

Hi Lizzziep, good your having acupuncture, i have had that in past via NHS through physiotherapist ,it really helped , im waiting to get an appoiment for physio ,im attending a few times a year when my sciactica flaires up and also my spondilitis in neck areas , the heam thought at first my raised platelets ( before i was diagnosed with ET jak2+ ) it was a ll down to my arthritis ,but i knew in my heart of hearts there was more wrong with me because my spine problems started over 27 year ago just gets worse with age . but hey ho im used to that now and cope best we can hope you feel some relief soon all the best Holly x

Nickthedevil profile image

Hi holly so glad your platelet count not too bad. Hope your GP can help with the pain and that you can start to feel less anxious.

Karen x

in reply to Nickthedevil

Thank you Karen xx

Twinkly profile image

Well done holly ! The lead up is always worse than the event !! Good for you. Twink

in reply to Twinkly

yes indeed Twinkly , thank you she did put emhasis on eating healthy , which i know you and most folk on here advocate , i let myself down sometimes with the ol chocolate fad ! best wishes Holly x

harleydavidson profile image

So pleased that things were not as bad as anticipated. Mel x

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