Re: Now have shingles!: Sorry guys and gals just... - MPN Voice

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Re: Now have shingles!

35 Replies

Sorry guys and gals just going to have a bit of a moan. Did not make London forum llast week as had stomach bug and all that that entails. Over weekend started with pain in right side under ribs and in back, woke up this morning with red rash in same area. Just back from doctors and I have Shingles, so feeling fed up as well as in pain. No work for me today and I suspect for rest of week. Missing some important stuff I was really interested in being involved in.

Still enough moaning plenty worse off than me. Doctor has given me some cream and anti viral drug ( due to mess I am on and lower immunity thinks I need it). If any one ha any experience of shingles and any recommendations I would be glad to hear them. Hope all well with you and yours. Liz C xxx

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35 Replies
Paul42 profile image


I had shingles earlier this year, had it on my head.

It is awful, i wa given a strong painkiller, would recommend it. Could take that and Paracetamol. Only thing i did was rush back to work....that would be mine recommendation, stay off until you are fully recovered. Will probably take at least 2 weeks.

Hope you feel better soon


in reply to Paul42

Thanks for the advice Paul. I have a tendency to rush back to work too, I will take your advice and make sure I properly fit before I go back and re painkiller too. I did not realise until got it how painful shingles is. Thanks x

Paul42 profile image
Paul42 in reply to

It most certainly is. I know when i first got the rash, (i had got suspected shingles before this), i couldnt lift my head i was in so much pain.

Your consultant may recommend a low dose of the antiviral once its cleared up to keep it away, he has done with me.

Plenty of sleep, rest, feet up and let people take care of you :)

chrissie1959 profile image

Hi sorry to hear you are poorly x hope you are on mend and feel better soon xx

in reply to chrissie1959

Thanks Chrissie x hope all is well with you xx

Twinkly profile image

Poor old you ..sorry to hear of your troubles ,,keep warm and rested ..nice warm healthy soup and fresh chunky bread ,,feet up in front of a cheery movie ,,I love funny girl ,or hello dolly ,myself ..that's an age thing maybe ,,,get well soon ,,twinkly. Xx

in reply to Twinkly

Thanks for the good advice I have some homemade chicken soup in freezer will dig that out. Taking your advice have feet up and now looking through what's on and my DVDs to find a good movie. Hopefully getting lost in an old movie should distract me from wanting to scratch and the pain. Cheers Liz x

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to Twinkly

Twinkly I thought you'd be watchin re-runs of the classic silents like Keystone Kops, Laurel and Hardy, Buster Keaton which I vaguely recall my old Grand-dad telling me about in his more lucid moments. Mind you he was never quite himself after hitting a spinning top on the cobbles which threw him off his Penny Farthing Bicycle. That's life eh. I'd stick to Hello Dolly if I were you. . . JR x

Twinkly profile image
Twinkly in reply to JediReject

Would you behave!! I could tell you stories of living in east London and going to Kent in the flat back lorries ,just after the war ,to the hop fields ,picking hops .then fruit .sleeping with the other kids on fresh straw mattress ,eating round a camp fire .my mum part Romany ,she took us away every year as a holiday twin brothers and me ..I had a colourful child hood .no wonder my joints ache now !! Twinkly xx

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to Twinkly

Twinkly you ought write a book of your life experiences you might outsell Katy Price. I would buy a copy but only if you signed it. . Like you say it's no wonder your joints play you up X

Phelpsy profile image

Ahhhh Liz , that's not nice to have ,

I hope your getting plenty rest & listening to your body ❤️

I'm sending you lots of get well wishes

& hope you have a speedy recovery

🌹💐🌼🌷🌺 lov Pam x

in reply to Phelpsy

Thanks Pam, I am taking your advice and resting. Thanks for your lovely cheery message and flowers, really made me smile. Liz xx

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to

Your very welcome take care my friend x

YogaLover profile image

Oh Liz so sorry to hear you have shingles. Not something I have had myself though I know it can be painful and miserable as my husband had it not too long ago.

Sending you get well wishes xx

in reply to YogaLover

Thanks, I too never realised how painful it was until I got it! Still it will clear up just got to get through it and all the get well wishes really do help. Thanks, take care Lizxx

Nickthedevil profile image

So sorry to hear about your shingles. I know from my sister just how painful it can be and how low it can make you. Lots of Tlc required! Best wishes for a speedy recovery

Karen xx

in reply to Nickthedevil

Thanks Karen, I am lucky to have a good partner and he is looking after me, I am trying not to wear him out! Your good wishes much appreciated. Liz xx

lizzziep profile image

Hope you're soon feeling better! Curl up with a good book and some nice soup, it's raining outside anyway! X

in reply to lizzziep

Thanks Lizzie, My appetite not so good at moment and nice soup is a good idea, lovely and warming too. I have lots of good books on my Kindle as I am bit of a reader so I will pick something nice and light, no complicated thrillers at mo as brain a bit mushy, not enough sleep. Thanks x

JediReject profile image

Yes Liz like others I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you're fighting fit very soon. . I thought I might have shingles but 'fortunately' my facial rash likely caused by the Ruxolitinib drug. Spots sore to the touch and nip a bit but nowhere as painful as your shingles. . . Take extra care of yourself - JRx

in reply to JediReject

Thanks JR as usual just reading your posts is a tonic! Keep up the good work and hope your rash clears up soon too. Cheers Liz xx

Loubprv profile image

How absolutely completely rotten for you. A friend of mine had shingle sin her head and it really knocked her for six.

Can't offer advice I'm afraid - only massive amounts of sympathy. Look after yourself.

Personally, just to respond to that lunatic from Blackpool (!!!!) I too LOVE hello dolly, funny girl, oliver, sound of music, AND the old war films. Obviously it's my age!

Tell you what though, if you really want to watch a feel good film, try " something's gotta give " FANATSTIC.


in reply to Loubprv

Thanks Louise, something's gotta give is a good movie. Know what I am watching this afternoon now! I am not much use for anything at mo, so taking everyone's advice and resting, just reading and watching old movies. It is so good to be part of this forum, the support when you feel a bit low is great and that alone makes you feel so much better. Thanks xx

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to Loubprv

Louise - Just to set your mind at rest I'm not averse to watching a jolly golden oldie and have seen many, but as you might guess being from Blackpool I'm more Carry On Up The Khyber than Sound of Music. . I do enjoy an occasional ''Mr Grimsdale'' movie as I get more laughs out of NW than any of the so called humourists / comedians nowadays. .

JR - Gotta dash I'm due back at the Asylum. . X

Aime profile image

Oh Liz you poor soul. I have never had shingles but heard it is painful and not nice. Hope you get better really soon.xxAime

Thanks so much Aime. I will as they say keep taking the medicine and fingers crossed it will clear up quickly xx

blulou profile image

Not at all pleasant. 'been there, done that...' I'm across the pond and Acyclovir is the drug of choice for that particular snakeskin. The trick is to watch for the pre-symptoms and hit with whatever anti-viral is given. With good timing you can stop the breakout of the out-break. Good luck.

in reply to blulou

Thanks for the advice. Lucky my Doctor gave me Ackclovir both in tablet form and as a cream on Monday, the blisters / spots (not sure what you call them) had just emerged. I had pain in area before that but did not realise it was shingles coming! Still hoping early treatment will help it seems to be helping. Hope I don't get it again but I will be better prepared in future! Cheers xx

Loubprv profile image

Hi Jedi,

How you brighten up the day! I hooted. Jolly lucky inmates of the asylum I say!


JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to Loubprv

One does ones best to spread a little cheer and I spread a little more after a little more lovely beer. Thanks Louise x

Inca profile image

Horrible thing,Shingles ,at least it will go away soon Liz,so keep cheerful....also you have the mad lot from freezing ,Northern England to keep you and the rest of us

Laughing! Very best to you for speedy relief from your discomfort.

Will do, I feel so much more cheerful with all the good wishes I have received and you are so right the banter and JR have had me laughing. Thanks Inca xx

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to

Dear Liz I'm not sure my long suffering wife would agree , I think she sometimes wishes I would take things a tad more seriously. Trouble is I can see and draw humour from most situations which helps me but not necessarily those around me which is when I should keep my thoughts to myself...... Hmmm I don't think so. Get Well, JR

in reply to JediReject

Hi JR, well your humour certainly helps us too. Have you ever tried your hand at stand up? Or writing as you have bit of a way with words. I bet your wife can more than handle you though!

I am sure that you can take things seriously when the situation really demands it. There is often some really good advice there amongst that humour. Anyway, don't change and keep us all smiling......Lizx

JediReject profile image

Aye Liz my beloved knows just how to keep me in check, , unlike my ex lady who struggled to understand me , , how many guys say just that. . . Anyway I'm well over all that. As for 'stand up' I'm a tad vertically challenged so peops may not be sure if I'm actually standing. And you are spot on as I can be Mr Serious if necessary. And rest assured I won't be changing any time soon. . . Be Good JRx

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