Has anyone undergone a hip bone marrow biopsy wi... - MPN Voice
Has anyone undergone a hip bone marrow biopsy without any sedation?

Hi Kangaroux,
Yes I had a bone marrow biopsy without any sedation.
Before I went I must admit i was really nervous, even though i have no fright of needles etc.
I had a lovely doctor doing mine he put some anasetic cream on the area before he started. I was amazed, it wasn't anything like as bad as i had expected, to be honest my main worry once he started was that he was going to push me off the bed. After he finished he said my bones were so strong that i had bent the needle.
Please dont worry about having this done, if i had to have another one it wouldnt bother me at all (but I might think about taking a safety belt to keep me on the table)
Take care Gwen
Hi Kangaroux,
I also just had a local and was also nearly pushed off the bed. It is uncomfortable rather than painful and over in a few minutes. Good luck, you will be fine. Mel x
hello kangaroux,
I am afraid my BMB was bloody pain full , but it does not last long
town crier
Had one just last week, so remember it well. It was pain full at the time but over quite quickly. All the best tor the procedure.
I just had local and the pain was horrendous! I would never have it again without sedation.
Sorry, but wanted to be honest about my experience.
I have had 3 over several years, the last being in May this year. I t was slightly uncomfortable but it only takes a few minutes. A local anesthetic is given where the needle is applied, however from the responses to your question some people do seem to suffer. Whatever you decide good luck.
I had one done in 2005 under anesthetic and i had a chest bone aspiration in about 2007 with only local anesthetic and it wasn't a very nice experience. Yesterday i went in for another hip bone marrow biopsy with just a local and it was horrendous and two doctors could not even complete the procedure which seemed to take forever. They have now booked me to have it done under anesthetic.........I was just wondering if i was just a wimp yesterday cause normally everyone considers me to be a tough cookie.
Hi can relate to all comments that said painful as all 3 byops where but the last one was the worst !my bone marrow was dry felt shore the results would show my ET had gone to MF and it had.i dred the day when told will need to do another .Everyone is different with their pain level so be strong as its the only way of finding out how we are progress ing .Best wishes Maggie.
Hello, I know if you have MF, a Bone marrow Biopsy is far more difficult to do and more painful as the bone marrow is dry..It can also cause quite bad backache for several days later. It also depends sometimes on the experience by the Doctor. Bye
I had one done without sedation. They did it on the side where I had previously fractured the neck of femur. The actual biopsy was bearable but 3 days afterwards I had terrible pain down the femur and could hardly walk. It lasted for a week.
Hello 'kangaroux', I had a bone marrow biopsy to confirm PVR, way back in 1983. It wasn't too painful during the drilling in, but it hurt a bit when the needle was withdrawn, even though I had a local anaesthetic. The doctor was a young man, a Registar, and he was exhausted with the procedure, which I thought very funny. It was a little painful later in the day, but not enough to take pain killers which they gave me - just in case.
I had a lady doctor do it again about 5 years ago to confirm that I now have MF. I had a local anaesthetic again. I think the equipment is better these days because she drilled in with hardly no pain at all, until she took a slice of bone, which was painful. Again it was painful on withdrawal and again no need to use the pain killers later. I hope you have a similar easyish experience.
All the best, MIchael