is there any other reason for this besides allergy to pillow mites and jaw-clenching?
waking up with a pounding headache - National Migraine...
waking up with a pounding headache
It isn't allergy to dust mites, more likely to be the jaw clenching and/or the type of pillow you're using is too high/soft or hard. I have woken up with headches and migraine for a long time now, my GP said they were cluster headaches, but an MRI showed that I have discs out in my neck putting pressure on the nerves. It may be worth seeing your doctor to see if there's anything he can give you to relax you at night?
thanks for the feedback, jayne...
i do have a neck disk prob from a childhood injury, but never thought to connect that, since it's only in later years the waking headaches started to occur... but as i've aged, i suppose changes in bone structure and cartilege shrinking could have made a difference...
and i don't think i'm jaw-clenching, but it's worth a try to take a mild sleeping aid and see if that makes a difference...
love and grateful hugs, maia
I've got neck & shoulder problems and have chronic facial pain & migraine. I now sleep with just one pillow which seems to be the best thing for me. It took a lot of experimenting to get there! Sometimes it's the things I've done the day before that pull my neck out, like carrying too much shopping or sitting awkwardly.
A dentist might be able to tell you if you're jaw clenching - some people actually wear their teeth down. There are mouth guards you can wear at night for this ( I also did this, though it turned out not to be my jaw at fault in the end).
It sometimes feels like you have to wade through a lot of things in order to get an answer to your headaches. Good luck.
Does the headache get any better after you get up and have been upright for a while?
For the last 14 years I have been suffering from a neurological condition called Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension an unknown cause defined by increased intracranial pressure (ICP) around the brain without the presence of tumour or disease. The headaches are beyond belief as well as other symptoms. Headaches are worse in the mornings as with laying down the pressure increases in your head.
I was diagnosed after a severe whiplash injury. The web address is;
thanks for the input...