Hello I am new to this forum/site!
I have been a migraine sufferer (classic with aura) on and off for twenty years and my most recent cycle of attacks realy picked up since starting an Atkins-type carbohydrate limiting diet last year.
So to cut a long story short, I was getting several attacks a week and had a plethora of tests (bloods for diabetes/thyroidism, eye tests, CT scan) which all came back clear or inconclusive. So my GP started me off with Propranalol as a prophalactic: what a mistake that was! Actually made my attacks worse to the point of having them daily!
So then in May we started Topiramate (25mg nocte) and this has worked wonders, in nearly six months I have only gradually had to titrate upwards to 100mg daily. Nowadays I get on average one attack every month to six weeks. My side effects consist of muddly thoughts/concentration, tingling in fingertips/hands (almost mimicking a migraine attack!) and one time where I drank alcohol and nearly lost the plot completely: spaced out, paranoid, confused...not me at all!
So with that long winded question, I just wanted to introduce myself and get a feel for how others are finding being on this drug. I don't plan to go too much higher than 100mg, dependant on my attacks, as I know this drug has a scary range of side effects. Having said that it certainly seems to have worked so far.