Does anyone else have this problem I dont really know what makes my migrains come, normally hormonal I think but I can have a migraine and feeling sick for 3 days all day and night and I can take painkillers every 4 hour and they dont seem to help at all and the other thing that is odd that when I get a migraine I always feel the need to eat chocolate.
Why: Does anyone else have this problem... - National Migraine...
if you go to the NATIONAL MIGRAINE CENTRE site they have lots of information you can read up on. all you describe is perfectly normal with migraines. on the NMC face book site you can listen to a radio broadcast by neurologist explaining what happens in the brain before and during a migraine..
Hi Jan,
There is usually a trigger, try keeping a diary of everything you eat, drink and do, where you go etc. I find that looking up or to my left for long periods triggers my migraines thanks to discs out in my neck. So sleeping funny can also trigger them, I frequently wake up with one :0( The only thing I don't really understand is the chocolate craving...although that sounds like your body craving sugar. It's usually chocolate which triggers migraine not the opposite way around! I always want tea and toast after one and it has to be white bread!
Oh and taking all thos epainkillers won't help either, it's just been proved that taken so often actually causes headaches and migraine!
Yes I saw that about the painkillers making it worse but it is difficult to ignore the pain when you have it continually for 3 days and you feel really sick with it, I just want to try and do anuthing to possible help it to go away.
Yes I know it is, I was gobsmacked when the doctor suggested that people go cold turkey and ride out the pain! I find that if a migraine takes hold, nothing gets rid of it anyway, so don't take anything at that point and ride out the pain in a cool, dark room, with my trusty ice pack.
Like I said in my other post, try to keep a diary of everything you do and then you might find the trigger!
Hi littlejan, I have migraines that are hormonal (around period and mid- cycle) with the odd extra one thrown in! If migraines are new to you it's best to keep a diary for at least three months and then speak to headache specialist to see if you have other triggers on top of hormonal. In the meantime have you tried a good B vitamin supplement , evening primrose oil and magnesium supplement as these help with migraine or pms. With regards to meds the best advice I can give is take them as soon as the migraine starts for best results and get your Dr to give you anti sickness meds as well. When you don't have migraine try to lay off the pills when you just have headache as too many painkillers cause rebound headache. Hope this helps
Forgot to say I get chocolate cravings with migraine too, I think it's because I get so exhausted I,m craving sugar! Maybe the chocolate cravings are linked in with hormones.... ? It's a mystery to me too!
I had migrain for many years, it took a 2.5 day cycle, day 2 vomitting. By 3rd day lunch time - gone. In between was a nightmare. I now take Imigrain the minute I feel one coming on and its gone within 10 minutes !! Also when you have the headache around the temples try massaging in some of the various gels for muscle pain, some are liqid Ibuprofin and get right to the spot. I found this helped a great deal. Best of luck and my sincerest sympathies with sufferers who cannot find a solution.