I'm at work, I've had the migraine for two hours - good old paracetamol and coedine to get you through the day. But am left with an uncooperative brain which means I have to work really slowly so I don't make any mistakes or email the wrong person or write about a patient on a different patient's file.
I used to take the pain relief and go to bed for an hour so I'm a bit fresher when I come into work but my boyfriend and I share a ride to work and since I'm the only driver, I feel compelled to continue as normal and drive us both in (getting the train in London is a really rubbish start to the day.)
I don't know why I have the migraine today - I had one at the weekend because I slept far too long. I am yet to figure it out, but wrote it in my diary which I started on 31st August.
Have also posted a question about amitriptyline. I just can't wait to ween myself off and be medication free. I know how to control getting migraines now - keeping to a routine. I just don't want to have migraines when coming off a migraine preventitive medication. But at the moment I'm feeling very very tired which I'm putting down to the fact that I stopped cutting the tablets in half and started taking 10mg again and my body is getting used to the upped dose. Its hard not to sleep so long when you're so tired.
Am meeting with a research person this Friday to talk about her new migraine diary. Am going to show The National Migraine Clinic's one as a comparason and give feeback. I hope I can help by giving up just an hour of free time. Its all for you, migraine sufferers.
Hopefully a more positive blog soon.