Hi anyone with vestibular migraine get worse after vaccination? Episodes?
Any one with vestibular migraine - National Migraine...
Any one with vestibular migraine
Hello Contra, No, but I do have aural migraine - no problems whatsoever with it after first and second vaccine, and the booster.
Yes it is worse in the weeks after the jab, just don't know if it was getting worse anyway. My vision is more blurry too. I'm taking amitriptyline and nothing else has worked. What helps you, if anything?
I have chronic migraine symptoms and had a booster of the Astra Zeneca jab. It bought on my migrainous symptoms for, at least 3 weeks after, overly long.In the UK if you have adverse symptoms to a drug/vaccine you can report it - "yellow card" it - which I did.
I had a Moderna booster in mid-November and, again, I've had problems with migraine symptoms, some of which have been very weird indeed!
There have been reports that the Moderna vaccination can give you temporary "Bell's Palsy" type symptoms so it might be linked with that although some of the symptoms were elsewhere and not experienced before.
So it's going to get "yellow carded" as well.
I will continue to get Covid vaccinations but I'm running out of options - Pfizer next, I think!
What's really weird is the influenza vaccines don't seem to do anything to me - it's well tolerated.
And, it seems from social media, anyone with any chronic health condition needs to take care with vaccines as their mechanism of action may well give you a flare up!
I had AZ in March and a 2nd one in May 2021, and was really quite unwell for, at least, 3 weeks after the 2nd jab.
Because of it I had the Moderna booster jab in November 2021.
I've had a UK 'flu jab in late September, but was unaffected by it, when others have been.
Although I was less affected by the Moderna jab, I had some really weird symptoms with it I've never had before - I've had migrainous symptoms since 2009.
for example the sensation, on and off, for several days, that my eyeballs were, painfully, turned up in my head. They can't've been or I wouldn't've been able to see!
Increased, pain on the, what I thought, was the unaffected side of my face, that, fortunately, can be controlled with painkillers.
And the sensation that pain was moving around my head, it's usually fairly stationary.
That lot was on top of my usual migraine symptoms...