Hi! My Craniosacral therapist is recommending that I get my atlas adjusted. I had a facet injection on c-1, 2 & 3 almost three years ago which made my migraines worse. She thinks that this will really help. Has anyone tried this?
Has anyone tried atlas orthogonal Chi... - National Migraine...
Has anyone tried atlas orthogonal Chiropractic for migraines and neck pain?

I did atlas orthogonal tx many years ago. It didn’t seem to help me. In my opinion, My chronic migraines are caused by hormonal fluctuations as I see a monthly pattern to them. Still figuring this out some 20 years later. Good luck!
Thank you, I actually have an appointment with my doctor this week to discuss getting Botox, but My Craniosacral therapist wanted me to look into getting my atlas adjusted. I’m afraid the migraines might get worse because when I had a cervical spine adjustment in the past, it gave me a horrible migraine. Thanks for your help.
Craniosacral therapist?! I've never heard of such a thing, but if they're not medically-trained I'd take any advice with a large pinch of salt.
Craniosacral helps me a bit. Atlas orthogonal helped me as well but it was only temporary as my migraines come partly from my neck but the adjustments don’t hold for long. If I could be adjusted by an AO three times a week I could probably see benefits. Botox reduced the intensity of my migraines but also made other symptoms (dizziness, drop attacks) worse because the muscles that they paralyzed are (we found out) compensating for damaged ligaments in my neck. These muscles need to be functioning even if they are tight. Chiropractic work on my neck (other than AO because they are gentle and completely different from a typical chiropractor - you will think nothing happened but the difference is amazing) always induced migraines until I found one upper cervical chiropractor who never manipulates or cracks, he only gently releases the trigger points and relaxes my suboccipitals and other associated muscles (more like massage therapy). I have to go often for maintenance and it can trigger a new intense migraine but he stays on the spot until the migraine subsides again. This keeps it somewhat under control.
Craniosacral didn’t help me at all, and the last time I went to a chiropractor, probably 5 years ago, the cervical adjustments caused a migraine that lasted a few days. I had a facet Injection on c-1, 2 & 3 almost 3 years ago and have had horrible migraines and daily headaches since then. My neurologist is recommending Botox and changing my medication from topamax to trokendi xr. Apparently they are having good results with this. I tried Botox 20 years ago, only once, but she wants me to try again and to do it a few times to see if it works. I don’t know how to check if I have problems with my ligaments. I have a consultation with the neurologist that’s doing the Botox next month. I’ll ask her about it. Thank you.
I am on Topamax and it helps a little bit. I thought it didn’t but when I went off it my migraines were worse so I realized this is actually me with reduced intensity and frequency. Craniosacral made my brain feel less foggy but I only went a few times soon after my concussion which caused all of my issues 3 years ago and haven’t tried it again since. I had a digital motion x-ray which showed ligament damage then an upright MRI and a rotational CT scan (all privately and the last two far from home) which I took to neurosurgeons to figure out what was going on with me. I hope the botox is your answer because it would definitely be easier. For me it is way too risky.