So I’ve had bad anxiety past 2 months and recently been getting these headaches when I get out of bed and they suddenly strike they are not painful there are just dull and feel like a ring and sometimes small shooting pains had these for 4-5 days In a row and just wounded If any one has had this in the past I’m super worried it’s a brain tumour as my mind just tells me the worst things Ibrupofin doesn’t help and also got eye pain when I look up ......
Anxiety headaches : So I’ve had bad... - National Migraine...
Anxiety headaches

Are you clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth during sleep?
How would I know ):
Once I knew I was doing it, I paid attention to my jaw as I was going to sleep and waking up. Upon waking, try to relax it and see if you feel tension release. You might feel relief from pressure. Are your teeth clamped together or is there space in between? Things like that. I became very conscious of it and forced myself to relax my jaw several times a night, and even during the day. You could also ask a dentist or orthodontist to look for wear and grinding patterns. A mouth guard to sleep in might be helpful if it is an issue. I found out from my dentist and trained myself to stop. It definitely helped my tension headaches, especially waking up with them.
My teeth feel a little chalky and I broke my jaw last summer so it could be that as it always feel tight and crunches a lot 🙂
Did you have the headache all day ?
I've had chronic tension headache for 30 years. The main cause is minor scoliosis that causes constant strain on my neck and shoulder muscles, and nerve overload. If I don't take aspirin-free Excedrin (or generic) it progresses to migraine. If it doesn't respond to the Excedrin, I have a prescription for the migraines. The jaw issue was an additional cause of tension h/a. So yes, sometimes lasted all day. (I now take Aimovig injections and am 90% improved in the migraine department, and about 40% improved in tension h/a department.)
Sounds like it's worth looking into for you, with the injury and now the anxiety. I wish you the best of luck.