Hi everyone - I am a newbie here. I have suffered from migraines for about 30 years and tried 'everything' both pharmaceutical and natural. Recently I tried a product called Migraine Escape. You apply it to your skin and the essential ingredient is a specially formulated ginger. The results are amazing. I have had a couple of migraines in the last 2 months instead of one almost every day. I also feel so much more well and healthier in other ways like having more energy. Has anyone else tried it?
Migraine Escape....: Hi everyone - I am... - National Migraine...
Migraine Escape....

Hello. I have never tried it. So happy for you that you found relief and over all well being. I have had migraines for 40 years and they just keep getting more frequent. Like most of us, I’ll try almost anything. Where did you buy Migraine Escape? And what country are you in as it may not be available every where?

Hi Dove I live in NZ but I think its available anywhere - you buy it online from Australia from migrainescape.com hope it works for you!
With the release of new CGRP drugs I was reading online that ginger is a natural “blocker” and migraineurs ought to take a ginger supplement or drink ginger tea at the onset of an attack. Some say this works for them so I can see that a ginger “application” to the forehead could work too! I’ve looked on the HU site and it’s only been mentioned once before, I wonder why if it’s so good? X
Hi Katherine - thanks for your reply - the reality is that ginger tea tastes good but doesn't have a medicinal effect. I discovered Migraine Escape about 2 months ago and have learned heaps off their website. Have a read of the information available on their website migrainescape.com if you are interested ....and you'll understand the complexity of making a ginger product how this one has a medicinal effect but also how powerful the healing of Migraine Escape is.
Migraine Escape® contains 5 therapeutic modes of action that directly combat the 5 mechanisms of migraine.
That essentially means it does the job of 5 drugs in 1, fighting off migraine for you on every front.
Even better still, its a natural substance. Being 100% natural Migraine Escape® has less known side effects and therefore reduces long-term health risks. It contains a complete extract that retains ALL of the important active ingredients for migraine relief and in concentrations 330x those of regular ginger - giving the extract world-class potency as a migraine treatment.
You use it for a month or 2, it does its job and that's it. No more migraines!
Its a big story and worth reading. Very exciting breakthrough for migraine sufferers. I am so grateful that I no longer suffer from almost daily migraines after having them ruin so much of my life.
I’d give it a go but doesn’t seem easy to buy in the UK? I’ve tried Amazon and would really think if it was soooo good someone would be retailing it and making a fortune. Their own web site indicates it’s about $140 to purchase which seems v expensive when it doesn’t appear to be backed by any medical authorities?
I take a supplement called Dolovent which is £30 a tub which lasts a month, similar claims on the reviews that it’s amazing and works wonders but I still have very bad spells of migraine even so, so I’m naturally sceptical of any product which makes such claims!
Wish more people on this forum had tried it and given their experience.
I understand you being skeptical. Me too. There are so many things that make big promises and they don't work. In my experience this one is different. They have done research which is unusual for natural products - and its not been out there for long - for me its been worth every cent, and for the people I know using it. Better than anything else I have tried over 40 years so I want everyone to know about it!
I have used Migraine Escape and one of the reasons I bought it was the fact it is approved by the Australian Government's Therapeutic Goods Administration, (same as US FDA) as a Complementary Medicine for the relief of migraine headaches. Somewhere on their website, they talked about Patenting their discovery to give confidence to their customers proving it really was a breakthrough in the treatment of migraines.
Regarding the price, yeah the sticker price seems high, but it has more than the 25 migraine applications they state, so for less than $6, I can prevent a migraine ruining my day and losing a days work....a bargain in my books.
they have a messenger icon on their website, just ask them if they have someone in the Uk who sells it, can't hurt.
Thank you for alerting us to this product. I see they have a money back guarantee so as a UK resident all I have to lose is the postage. So glad it works for you. It must feel so liberating!
I’ve just been on their FB page and had online chat with Michael. I have ordered some, they have a uk distributor in Milton Keynes so expect to get it in a couple of days. Going to give it a go and will feedback here, if it gives any relief that’s great!
Hi Katherine,
I’ve just read your posts and I agree with everything you’ve said.
The fact that you’ve now ordered the “miracle ginger remedy” has inspired me to do so too. I’ll give it a shot!
I’ve suffered for 30+ years and the migraines are at their worst.. I’m feeling desperate to get some relief.
Did you just search for “Migraine Escape” on Facebook?
Thanks Katherine and everyone else for your inspiration and for sharing your experiences.
This can be a pretty lonely illness and you have to be a sufferer to truly understand.
Love & good health to all x
If you haven’t already found it, search on Facebook. You can order through a link on that page and can even have a phone consultation with one of their team. I have received my order, a very small bottle so let’s see how long it lasts (applied every night). It has a very strong smell (nice) and a mild warming effect. What I did not realise is that it’s bright yellow (ginger!) and so I look like a tiger when it’s applied, couldn’t go out and about like that so not sure how topical application works when you’re hit with a migraine at work etc? Let’s all keep posting so we know if the results are as good as they claim!! X
Thanks for the advice and the update.
I’ll be looking to buy some today.
Haha, Tiger, that made me laugh. I guess it could be worse.. I mean looking like a tiger is quite cute, thank goodness it doesn’t make you look like a raccoon or something 😆
I’m going to order today and as soon as I’ve reveived it/used it, I’ll write something on here too.
Wishing you well and fingers crossed it works for you lovely! X
I have just done the same!! Here’s hoping x
Apparently there is a buy one get one free promotion starting tomorrow
Never heard of it do you have to get it on prescription
Oh right will try