I've not been able to sleep for some years now. I did CT scan and MRI test. Nothing was seen except some White dot inside the brain. Is. When anyone did MRI test. I was told by the doctor that it is high blood pressure of the brain. I was placed with amytryptiline for.almost a year. After taking the drugs my condition become worse. Now I don't know what it means for one to dose. I can't sleep in the day and night. I have serious heartache, restlessness and confusion. I can't concentrate. I feel like dyeing. Please, advise me on what I should eat or do to boost serotonin in my brain. I am not myself. I cried everyday mostly in the night as far have numbness in the right part of my body - from the head to the toe.n'
Inability to sleep: I've not been able... - National Migraine...
Inability to sleep

Hi Imehudoabah , when did you last see the doctor? Do you get migraines? Sleep deprivation is bad for migraine sufferer's.
You can get seretonin supplaments from health shops but why do you think you need to raise your seretonin?
Is your GP helping you with your symptoms?
Sorry for all of the questions, I'm concerned for you 😣
I'm really sorry you feel like this😌 I think it could be the amitriptyline making you feel like that, I took it years ago and had to stop because it made me feel so horrible! I was having awful nightmares and night sweats along with slight hallucinations. Do you get migraines? I found diet and exercise really helpful. I recommend maybe trying a gluten free diet and lots of protien ( eggs, nuts, fish, turkey) they are all good for boosting serotonin! Cutting out lots of caffeine. Also exercise is also good for helping you sleep and serotonin levels, maybe 20 minute walk everyday or yoga.
I'm hope this might help you as it's really helped me😊
Hello, I am so sorry you are suffering so much. I have had insomnia before and it is horrible. I do think.you need to try and make a change in someway to try and help yourself. The diet suggestions above could help. It's worth a try. There is a book that can guide you called The Plant Paradox, written by a world renowned heart surgeon. It is based on research that shows our Western diet is making us sick by causing inflammation in the body. I am following the suggestions. It is just starting to help me now. Maybe you want to get the book and try the program? Also, talk to your doctor about getting off the nerve medication if it is not helping you, especially because you have such terrible insomnia. Trazadone is an antidepressant that I used to use for sleep and it really helped. Also, if possible, incorporate some exercise into your day. I know It's hard when you feel so terrible, but it can only help you, not hurt. I hope you find something to help you very soin.
Hi Ime,
Sorry to hear about your terrible ordeal.
I suffer with migraines daily. I refused medication due to the long list of side effects.
I currently take ginger and aloe Vera juice 3 times a day. I also exercise regularly and enjoy lots of walking. My migraines have reduced in intensity and frequency. I also read that aloe Vera can help reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol. We'll see.
Hope this is helpful and that you feel better soon.
Go back to your doctor, you need this sorting out.
in my situation, the doctor informed due to a lack of sleep, it was making migrates worse. I tried all the alternatives and worked some effect. But it came back worse.
Ask you doctor for Melatonin, it is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in animals and regulates sleep.
However, it only works in 50% of people.
My heart goes out to you,. I live a very similar life. I don't sleep much and I have migraines every day. My doctor has given me Ambien for sleep, and that does help. But, I still only get 3 or 4 hrs at best. Changing diet helps, but hard to stick to. Prayer helps too. Good luck I will be praying for you.