Hi all, hope you are well! I had a rough night last night and have come looking for some answers.
I suffer from migraine aura, I normally just get the aura (most days) and then occasionally I get a headache. Mainly its the fluorescent lights, fatigue and a weird type of brain tiredness I suffer from.
Around 1am I woke suddenly, my entire body felt incredibly heavy and numb, I knew something felt wrong and scary in my body, but I couldn't understand properly, I was so groggy. I felt incredibly nauseas and like my stomach was full of bricks. But I wasn't about to throw up, I knew I had to make myself sick. My ears began ringing incredibly loudly, and I blacked out on my way to the bathroom and again on the bathroom floor.
I then started vomiting, my ears continued ringing and I couldn't focus or speak properly. I knew were I was but I had such weakness all throughout my body and felt confused and scared.
Afterwards the pain lessened and so did the ringing. I just felt incredibly drained and exhausted, I passed out in bed. This morning I just feel drained and physically weak. I knew I should have gone to A&E but I was so exhausted and confused I couldn't get myself there or even explain to my boyfriend what was wrong or what I needed, talking felt impossible. I do remember having a very strong sense of smell right before I fell asleep and joking to my boyfriend saying a migraine attack might show itself. Then this happened!
I've woken up feeling weak and have aura. Does/has anyone had episodes like this? This isn't my first time, but its the most violent episode I've had. I wonder if its related to migraines? It's def not food poisoning or anything like that.
Thanks all!
K xx