I am 31 year old female.
157 lbs
bp 108/64/72
Before I started feeling so bad I worked out a lot..6 days a week cardio and weightlifting
it started about 8 weeks ago. I went shopping with my kids and the only thing I did was hit my head on my cars hatch twice. When my husband and I we t to eat I got scared and immediatley panickex like I was going to pass out in the reataurant and told him we had to go. The whole weekend I kept telling myself I was going to die. Made it to monday and went to the dr he gave my injections on the back of head and said nerves and anxiety. Went to the emergency room that nighr. Did ct scan and said it was negative.
I then told my dr who said anxiety but I convinced myslef it was anyuersm. Then the following week I was suddenly fine for a whole week. Then that Friday it was back eith vengence. I started having loud ringing in my ears with weird dizziness.
I went to ent and he said ears looked fine said it was tmj. Then went back to the er and they said I had no fever everything looked fine said maybe sinus headache gave me antibiotics. But knew it wasnt it.
Went back to dr he said get off of antidepressant and gave me a new one. And then gave me clozenopam. That made me feel crappy.
went back to er a few days ago because I thought I was having pulmonary embolism. Because of chest pain. Went to cardio. Checked out evwrything and it was fine
had mra of brain mri of spine . Have not heard anything. Feel dizzy when standing ears ringing head pressure and also feeling like my heart races when standing. This sucks.