Has anyone taken Nortriptyline for chronic daily migraine and has it been successful? i have been on so many meds and recently had botox but this had no impact. any advise welcome.
Nortriptyline: Has anyone taken... - National Migraine...
I've been on 75mg of amytriptyline for years and yes it works for me. Nortrip and amy are both tricyclic antidepressants. When i first starte it was not good very drowsy. xox
I was on nortrip for about a year for chronic facial pain - I was having migraines too but they weren't diagnosed at the time. Sadly didn't work for me, and an increase in dose made me hallucinate. They usually tell you to take it at night as it can make you drowsy.
Sorry the botox didn't work - it's been quite successful for me.
It has worked for me, I take 20 mg a day, and have noticed a huge improvement. Apparently weight gain is a side effect, which put me off for a long time.. but at this low dose I haven't had any. I still get 'migrainey', but haven't had a full blown one since May, which is great! Prior to this I could lose a couple of weeks a month where I was unable to function - I'd say give it a try.
I have been on N ortriptyline125MG since April.I am taking it for depression, but my migraines(which I have had for over 50 years) have virtually stopped.If I get the aura I take Sumatriptan.Hope this helps.