has anyone totally lost their speech ... - National Migraine...

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has anyone totally lost their speech for more than a few hrs? I stutter which lasts several days but my speech has gone.

speachloss profile image
11 Replies

I have only just been diagnosed with migraine. not suffered before. symptoms of stroke. MRI came back clear. but its getting me down losing my speech.it is making a big impact on my life. I'm so sad right now

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speachloss profile image
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11 Replies
elliott profile image

Has any of the specialist told you to see a doc who specialises in rare forms of migraine . I might be totally wrong but you could be suffering from Hemapligic migraine . I suffer with it and when I have my attacks I lose the use of my left side of my body sometimes just my arm other times leg as well . The other thing is I sometimes loose the use of my speech or it goes really slearey and I can't get the words out . It dose come back . This is we're it differs from yours I don't totally loose my speech it's there but can't get the words out . This is only a thought but the MAIN thing you must go to THE GP and ask for a referral to see what's happening . Hope this helps . Elliott x

speachloss profile image
speachloss in reply to elliott

no Elliott, no one has told me anything. everything is new to me. would I need to get referral from GP for someone who specialises in this sort of migraine? or do I seek it out my self? any information is a help. Thank you for you for your advise x

georgiegone profile image

I get strange speech symptoms too, I slur (especially if I've taken rizatriptan) and have immense difficulty recalling the correct words for things (which is apparently not uncommon). Definitely try and get a referral, if for no other reason than to put your mind at rest :)

1stgls profile image

OMG poor you -- push for more help as "elliot" says. I cannot form words and I also cannot "hear" words , its like folks are using double dutch -- it only causes problems when out and I am only out with migraine if it starts away from home, -- and, thankfully it is only for a couple of hours, ( a migraine website lists my problems so i know it is " normal" )

myboyharry1 profile image

Hi there, Try not to be too dishearteded. You're not alone. I too suffered the same Hemi Plebic migraine in June last year. I'm still recovering as we speak and the symptoms are terrifying. It is 'like' a mini stroke with speech disturbances, visiual too and numbness also. And yes you are sometimes renderd unable to form words properly. Its very strange in deed. Have you had another one? This maybe your only one but if not try not to worry - easier said than done though. Do take care. I tend to take Migraleave which is the only thing that works for me - take them (if you're able) at the 'first signs' of flashing lights etc and this should calm the pain at least. I'm a migraine sufferer since the age of 15 so I do know what you're going through x

teadrinker profile image

Are you saying your speech has gone and not come back properly once the other symptoms have gone away? If that's the case, ask your GP if you can see a speech and language therapist. I'm not sure from your post if your speech has recovered fully or not - if it hasn't, and it's that which is getting you down, a speech therapy assessment might help.

I'm really sorry that you are suffering right now. I hope things get better for you.

speachloss profile image
speachloss in reply to teadrinker

A massive thank you.

I Thank you all for your support. I have never suffered with headaches/migraines before, May this year. I have to take prevention meds and tritons for the migraine, which I only know I get from losing my speech then very bad stuttering for up to 8 days. I then may have a migraine or continue stuttering. Which could last 12hrs of the day. speech will become normal, Then when I wake the next morning I start all over again. I get tingling and weakness on my left side. the sad thing is I'm only 26. me and my husband are very social people. Plus speech is a big part of my work/ meeting etc. the migraines seem to be taking over my life! my GP did say they may refer me to a speech and language therapist, but at the moment they want me to remain on theses meds till Dec to give them time to work.

knowing I'm not alone gives me peace I just thought because I keep stammering the docs have missed something.

MaryF profile image

You need to carefully be checked for Hughes Syndrome, TIA's often do not show up on MRI - if you need more information, please private message me or ask me on here, and I will give you some links to explore. Mary F x

Hele profile image

Ive had rare occurrences of slurred speech and numbness with light headedness and dizziness. Not sure what causes it, maybe a brain issue? Let us know if you get any answers, youre not alone.

Dollychris profile image

I suffer from hemiplegic migraines and when I had the lst one just after the birth of my first child I could not string 2 words together and it was thought originally that I had suffered a stroke. When I lose use of my speech it has been for a short while but I then cannot function properly to say what I want mean. I jumble words for quite a while and I cannot think straight. Hope this helps and happy to let you know what has helped. I suffer numbness and dizziness and it can be so frightening if not diagnosed properly.

Clumsyclot profile image

Hi, I also suffer from stuttering, slurring and in some cases total loss of speach, I know what I'm tryiing to say, but the messege dosnt get to my mouth, you are not alone, I often feel a tightness and dry feeling in the back of my throat and it usually goes down hill from there, I have also had numbness and tingleing down my right hand side, and paralasis, blindness, clumsyness, to the point where people would think I was drunk, especially when you cant explain otherwise, And TIA/mini stroke I was diagnosed with Basilar Migraine. very scary times, i hope this helps, good luck.

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