Hi I have suffered from chronic migraines for the past 7 years and I currently get Botox injections every 3 months and Aimovig injections every month. The past 2 weeks I am suffering really bad and I can’t get out of this cycle. I have noticed it just before the clocks changed and I have to admit lights is one of my triggers. Has anyone else suffered like this since the change of clocks? Also can anyone suggest anything to help breaking this bad cycle I am in? I just feel on my own and isolated and thought it was time to reach out 😀
chronic migraines and suffering a bad cycle - Migraine Support
chronic migraines and suffering a bad cycle

I've been trying to get a CGRP and Botox for years but they won't do it on the nhs, are you getting it privately?I've been really bad since the clocks changed too the only thing I've tried to do is get up earlier. I'm trying to get up at 6 but I sleep very badly and I have classes til 10 a couple of nights a week so it's tricky.
No I’m getting it done on the NHS. I fit the criteria to get this treatment. I am finding it is helping having them together rather than having them separately. I just can’t seem to get out this awful cycle I am having recently. Do you take anything to help you sleep?
Do you mind me asking what the requirement is? I'm on my second CGRP, I used to have botox before that and then 13 different drugs before then. They said if I paid for Botox privately they'd still give me the CGRP but I can't afford it. They said the NHS won't fund the two together, I'm in Cambridge.I've been on Amitriptyline for years and years which helps me get to sleep but I'm an insomniac and I wake up at least 5 times a night so my sleep is really bad anyway.
I think cause I got so many migraines a month they tried a new injections and it didn’t work. They said that they would try the two together and it’s helping. Maybe the funding is different in Scotland than England. I couldn’t tell you. Oh that’s not good about your sleep though. Have you tried using CBD oil at night time?