I have recently been diagnosed with vestibular migraines which has affected every aspect of my life for the past 4 months as I am constantly dizzy and feel sick for several hours daily. I've been started on medication and had one treatment so far from a physiotherapist trained in this disorder. He was great but I felt ill for hours after. I want to know if anyone has recovered from this condition as I haven't been able to return to work and I'm worried I won't get any better. Thank you.... With hope
Recovering from vestibular migraines? - Migraine Support
Recovering from vestibular migraines?

Hi Caz, just replied to yr post about exercise.
I was severely disabled by this condition for 18 months before correct diagnosis. Diagnosis and treatment (following expert advice) are critical. Great that you are receiving support from a physio - i didn't get that for years and it made all the difference. I am now back at work full time and doing well.
Keep your hope. You will get better. It will feel worse during the process of getting better as you relearn all this motion stuff but is SO worth it. Your life will be different but also brilliant because of where you are now and what amazing progress you will make (you will. I know it seems impossible to believe now, but you will). You will always need to put health first, but the benefits of that are an almost normal life and a different take on what us important
View your current situation for what it is: a 'rehabilitation period' which supports you in getting well. Follow medical advice, push yourself as much as you physically can and then rest, every day. Look for the joy around you and notice the small changes in what you can do, which may start with shorter recovery time for feeling sick after motion, so do as much as you can stand. You're following a route that is tried and tested and you'll get there...
Thank you so much for your reply you don't know what that means to me today. I have been feeling sick all morning and cried with a hopeless feeling that my happy active life is gone. I have 2 children and a lovely husband but don't feel I am a good mum or wife right now. Your words give me hope and I will carry on with the Physio and hope the medication works for me. Thanks again X
Just saw your post, hope you are feeling better and do not need this reply. But wanted to say that special physical therapy to rebalance inner ear crystals improved the vertigo part of my vestibular migraine about 80%. Yes, I felt awful after the 2 treatments, but really helped. Interesting that the therapist was much more skilled at the procedures than my Ear, Nose and Throat medical doctor.

Thank you for the reply . Yes thankfully I am now much better and am grateful to have been able to return to work. I still experience daily dizziness but no longer have the headache/migraine part. I found fortnightly vestibular physio to be really effective and now meditates daily which just seems to settle my body and mind to cope with the dizzy spells. I'm hoping it will continue to reduce and eventually the dizziness will stop completely. Thanks again and take care X
Hi I was wondering if any of the people with vestibular migraine also had blurred vision along with the vertigo? Also, how did the physio help come about. Are you uk? Thanks
I asked my GP for a referral to a vestibular physiotherapist. You need to know exactly what to ask for, as it is unlikely to be offered, and it is life-changing 🙂. Can't help with blurred vision Q, sorry. Take care.
Hi, I did and still sometimes have blurred vision. I can't look at patterned carpets or my vision goes funny. I paid for a private physio as I didn't want to wait months for an NHS one but GP can refer. I agree with the other post you need to ask for a physio who is trained in vestibular disorders. I also paid to see a fabulous specialist in Leicester. I really hope you get the help you need X