Hi all, I’m a 21 year old female with genetic history of migraines, my grand father had surgery on his brain because of migraines (weird to me), and my aunt has a pseudotumor on the optic nerve. I’ve been dealing with migraines since I was a kid. The earliest I remember is around 7. I have been on countless medications trying to find something that works. I was on the Ajovy shot which helped so much however, my husband and I are wanting to start trying for kids so my doctor took me off of it. Since I’ve been off the medication my migraines have gotten much worse again and the only thing I can take for them is naproxen sodium, which only helps 10% of the time. I forget to eat a lot so my husband usually ends up making sure I eat balanced meals. I have tried ice on my neck with feet in hot water, I’ve tried just ice on my head where my migraine feels the worst, I’ve used peppermint oils and tee tree oils and nothing seems to help if anything the oils make me nauseous. If I do try to sleep it makes my head hurt so bad when my eyes are closed and the only way to get rid of that is to keep them open, so I don’t usually sleep. When they do come they hit me pretty hard and I have to lay down fast because I loose my vision for anywhere between 10 minutes to 30 minutes. If anyone has any suggestions to try I’m all ears!!
It’s 3am and I have a migraine: Hi all, I’m... - Migraine Support
It’s 3am and I have a migraine
Hi emkatekman. My adult son suffers terribly from migraines, to the point where he cannot work full time. Because of this, he lives with us. He uses a triptan injection but cannot use that more than twice a week so there are times when he has no choice but to wait it out..which can be a few days. During those times he will take an Epsom salts bath which does help him feel a little bit better for a while. He tried all those other things too you mentioned...yeah they do nothing.
I get migraines once in awhile too and I can't take triptans (they give me chest pain) so over the counter pain relief is the only way I can go. Which does just about nothing. One thing I do which gives me temporary relief - I know this sounds crazy - is eat something sweet like ice cream. The sugar seems to help. Another home remedy is 2 tbsp honey and 1/2 tsp cinnamon in hot water...kind of like a tea but with no tea. Doesn't cure the headache but I will feel a wee bit better for awhile.
Also some supplements that are supposed to help long term are magnesium and feverfew. Also I heard about butterbur but haven't tried that one.
Let us know how you are doing, okay?
God bless.