Hi Ashy83,
As a fellow migraine sufferer myself and a medic I can tell you that Amitriptyline is actually a antidepressant first and for most but is used for a number of other conditions, in low doses it is a valuble drug for helping to control pain levels in conjunction with other medications and in low doses is very good at controling the affects and severity of migraines. For a lot of people it can be a life saver,but it can come with its own side affects.
I have suffered with debilitating migraines for most of my adult life,both migraine with and without aoura and vomitting. Around 3 years ago they increased again in serverity meaning that they migraine and vomitting would last for up to a week.
Although after a lot of tests they where able to rule out any medical causes they put me and a drug combi of 10 mg Amitryptialine 50 mg Sumitriptian which also contains anti sickness and additional anti sickness medication called cyclezine 10 mg. Now most of the time these drugs stop migraine but there are occasions that mean I have to attend A.E for intervenes drugs because I am unable to keep my medication down.
Please note that you need to be aware that you may actually experience migraines as a side affect of the amitriptyline, upset stomach and alias more symptoms.