Hi. It is now two weeks since my Botox and I am having some success. This had been offered on the back of 30 years of suffering and 15 years Cronic.
I really got worried when a my new neurologist told me how bad the triptins (Rizatriptan)were which I was using to manage my life. I had also been trying Epilim Chrono (sodium valproate) which are used by epileptics. I also take amytriptlyn. The Epilim made no real difference and only added to my tiredness and groggy state in the mornings. Well back to my Botox. Since starting I have only had 1 Rizatriptin and that was just two day after the injections. I have 31 altogether, which must have had some positive effect. The only area that I feel has not taken very well are my worst areas of pain, above my right eye and at the top of my neck. The biggest difference has been through the night. Often I woke around 4am with a well established migraine and had to take my Rizatriptin which meant that morning was written off.
Triptins increase your risk of a stroke, so I wouldn't advise staring with them if you can avoide it and if you need them no More that 2 a week. I am still having to not do too much and avoid as many of the triggers which started things off.
Fingers crossed, I am going to be able to enjoy life a bit more. X