Anyone know or had this? It came up yesterday and chafing !!
Chafing: Anyone know or had this? It came... - Men's Health Forum

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It could be jock itch. Best treated with anti fungal cream available over the counter.

Is jock itch bad ?
No it’s very common and not serious. Often comes as a result of sweating, after exercising or wearing tight underwear. Just wash your groin, dry it well and apply the cream. It should go away in a few days

Okay I’m just scared coz I had penile neoplasia when they found it in my foreskin but they removed it when I got circumsised this couldn’t still be that ?
I’m not qualified to comment on that. If you are worried it might be best to see a doctor to put your mind at rest.
So you don’t think I have anything to worry about ?
Try Athlete’s Foot cream on it.
If you have had previous pre-cancerous lesions on your penis it would be prudent to have it checked by a doctor.

You recon
Because of the possible causation - HPV infection - the condition can re-occur. Partners of people with HPV infection can also be at risk. I do believe it would be worthwhile getting it checked out by a doctor or a dermatologist

What’s hpv stand for ?!!??
Hey Chris, it's called human pappillomavirus. It's the cause of, among other things, cervical cancer.
It's a good thing you got rid of that foreskin. All boys/men with severe phimosis should be getting circumcised. The anti-circumcision activists are so wrong. You are lucky that the cancer has been limited to your foreskin!
Timmy, it is quite possible for an HPV related pre-cancerous condition to re-occur elsewhere than the initial site. This is why Chris should get his problem checked by a doctor or dermatologist.

Of course you are right. He should get it checked by a doctor.
Keep a watchful eye on this because it looks similar to cellulitis and you don't want to mess around with that as it can be at worst case deadly.... I'm not saying that will happen or that you have that type of can be what you thought it was... Just chafing... Is it painful or hot to the touch? If so I would say go to the doctor... You may need antibiotics.... If you do start antibiotics you would do well to use a antifungal cream in the area to avoid an opportunistic fungal infection as antibiotics can cause that. If you are diabetic then all the more reason to follow my advice. Good luck.
Hi mate I’ve had cellulitis 3 times in my leg so not sure that this is cellulitis it’s not hot to touch just sore and sometimes itchy not much tho it hasn’t spread the last 3 days tho ... it’s still the same
How are you doing? Any change in your condition?

Still there hasn’t spread tho it’s gone down abit tho ...?
what u mean ?
Chill out ? I asked what people fort it was, I got diagnosed with penile neoplasia when I went for my review after circumcision it has now been removed as it was in the foreskin that’s why I was worried
I have the same issue mines is itchy and sort of rash like but I been applying cortisone on it and it goes away and come back if I dont apply the cream im gonna try the anti fungal cream and see what happens then if not I’m going to the doctor uugh