Do you regret getting a circumcsion for medical reason, like phimosis, or balanitis etc.
Adult Circumcsion for medical reason?... - Men's Health Foru...
Adult Circumcsion for medical reason? Regret or not

haven’t regretted my circumcision for one second….absolutely love it 😃👍
Absolutely not. Best decision I made was going to my doctor. If I had one regret? I didn’t do it sooner.
4 weeks post op. No regrets. Should have had it done 20 years ago. Long term balantis was a pain in my …..
No regrets whatsoever. Severe phimosis had been the bane of my life for far too long.
Regret? What’s to regret! One of best decisions I ever made and wish I had the courage do have asked for medical help 20+ years earlier!
I kept telling myself for most of my adult life that my phimosis and Balanitis wasn’t that bad… that the pain and discomfort was bearable… that I could use moisturiser and stretching… that maybe my foreskin wasn’t that much tighter than most.
Then one day - I had the guts to ask a medical opinion and inside 6 weeks they “fixed” my cock.
Yes recovery is a bit rough for a few weeks - the night time boners are pure hell for about 5 days (nights actually!)
But I now have the most gorgeous cock (I didn’t know it didn’t look good before… until it was cut!) I have no pain, and everything feels so much better! It’s so much more pleasurable to play with and the orgasms… well… I just don’t have the words to explain how much better they can be!
So regret? No! What’s not to like about being cut after years of Balanitis and phimosis?
Maybe I’m just one of the lucky ones… but to me having this finally done in my 50s is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!
No regrets at all - had to get it done as I had sores under my foreskin which turned out to be cancerous - fortunately the circumcision dealt with that and biopsy (worse than the circumcision!!) showed it hadn't spread. Only afterwards did I learn that phimosis is a cause of penile cancer, If I'd known that I would have got it done years ago.
i regret having it done i feel i have got a lot smaller looks like i have no shaft showing
No regrets. Should have done it 20 years ago.
Absolutely no regrets , only regret is not getting it done years ago !
Whoever had suffered from such kind of discomforts should not feel regret getting cut. No regression after getting circumcised being an adult. Love the appearance and easy to maintain hygiene.
No regrets - the period after the operation was difficult and you need to be patient - but it settles down and you should be fine
Regret, no. But I would have preferred not to have had the need.
I had severe and very painful phimosis from birth and was eventually circumcised at 3 months which immediately cured it. I have absolutely no regrets about being circumcised. I just wish though that our GP had circumcised me just after birth as requested by my parents so that I'd not have had 3 months of agony.
My regret is I didn't do it sooner. The procedure isn't that bad. I've had worst times at the dentist.
I had a mild case of phimosis, and I knew it was only going to get worse. Not regrets at all here, Sex is so much better !!!