I have white dots on my shaft and red mark on my penis. Need help please
I’m too shy too swe doctors - Men's Health Foru...
I’m too shy too swe doctors
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The best help I can give is say please see a dr!! I avoided asking for help with Phimosis and Balanitis for years and wish I had earlier!!
Once you get over the initial pain of asking… it really is nothing. They’re medical professionals and don’t judge. I wished I’d recognised that years before.
Get to the Dr… then you can make informed decisions
Hi, if it's always been like this then it's fine - and normal. Do make sure you wash down there including under the foreskin every day, of course. If it's new and isn't due to masturbating too much then you do need to see a Doc. Mine is a female doctor so if I can do it so can you. It means nothing to them at all. Good luck Bro
Yeah man go and see a doctor, there is nothing to be ashamed of.
He seen lots of dick in his life. Don't be ashamed what u have in pants.
Be praud and stay strong.