Byy. I got cercumcision 67 days ago wound healed. But still swelling is there a am very worried about it please suggest me
Cercumcision after 67days a go .still... - Men's Health Foru...
Cercumcision after 67days a go .still swelling (ring)

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Plese suggest me. &
Is it normal?
Meet your doctor and ask him as to what to do next. Only you and your doctor would know what is normal and when the swelling has completely resolved. 2 months is generally enough for swelling to subisde but in some it may persist longer. You may require additional medication so do check back with your surgeon . All the best !
I ask doctor. Doctor say it's normal it's take time to recover. But I worried
Have you tried roll bandage for night time already? Light pressure on swelling area may push fluid to lymph nodes on your groins. It's not permanent solution, but may ease your worry.
I never tried roll bandage
Today I try .only bandage or need any ointment?
There is no need for special ointment with a bandage, but it's clever to use moisturizer first 6-24 months post-op on daily basis, cause the scar is like damaged skin and can not keep optimal moisture level without it. Is your scar line still like tight rubber band on shaft?
I don't have swelling i have done ZSR CIRCUMCISION. I have one problem and it is my skin very very much sensitive. I am feeling irritation even after 4 months. Doctor says it need more time for your skin to be tuff skin. Someone told me he was ok after 8 months so i think i need like 1 year to be perfect skin of glance . I am worried also. Just using vaseline all day. Huh
Please text me
I am on day 59. I still have swelling, but it is less sensitive now and I believe it will start going down as it doesn't feel as irritable now. . To me, it looks like the inner foreskin is swelling on top.
My case is that I am a type 2 diabetic and also on high blood pressure meds and blood thinners (heart surgery, Brilinta). I know from my case that I will take a while to heal.
The idea of fully recovering in 4 weeks and ready to have sex is not my reality. 4-6 months is more like it for me. I've recovered from heart surgery and orthopedic hand surgery, both taking months. Time is a constant factor in healing. It may take us longer, but we will get there.
Hi, did it ever resolve? I hope so.