Circumcision : Evenin fellas...I’m... - Men's Health Foru...

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Evenin fellas...I’m kinda Undecided as to you whether or not I want a circumcision...I’d like one more for cosmetic/hygiene reasons but I don’t wanna loose too much sensitivity. Going forward could anyone recommend an experienced Dr to have a consultation with either in Manchester or London?

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28 Replies
jimfromcalif profile image

misterhyde profile image
misterhyde in reply to jimfromcalif

I have an idea. Why don't the intactivists here, get circumcised? You, NOWHARD, Bucky85, and any others who might be lurking around. You guys could post pictures, and report back to us on how awful is. It would serve to help your mission of saving foreskins from the knife, and give you some credibility. What could happen though, is that you'd love being circumcised so much, you'd give up being intactivist foreskin fetishists and start giving good advice, instead of fanatical nonsense.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply to misterhyde

They would benefit in other ways as well, but it's a lost cause with them.

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to misterhyde

What's in it for you?

misterhyde profile image
misterhyde in reply to jimfromcalif

If you guys were to get circumcised, some of you might be very pleased with results, and then change your mind about circumcision. I'm not saying every one of you would prefer it, but some might. I do believe most of you would stop being anti-circumcison. You would least get a chance to see how it feels. You're 72, would it be that much of a loss if you didn't like being circumcised that much? It could also help your cause because you could always say, you've had both ways. If you end up liking it, you would win too, because of the enjoyment you'd have. Seems like a winning situation either way. My interest is having circumcision information made available, to make it easier for the guys wanting to get circumcised. I like helping people.

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to misterhyde

Who really cares? If it's so good, get on with your life.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply to jimfromcalif

You asked him a question. He was recently circumcised, and he's trying to help men who are considering it. There will be others coming here, and you won't be able to scare them out of it.

jaglad profile image
jaglad in reply to misterhyde

Are You Mad ?

jaglad profile image
jaglad in reply to jaglad

Sorry that reply was for mrhyde. Apt name ?

circed' reply was a good one,

misterhyde profile image
misterhyde in reply to jaglad

No. I never get mad at any of the guys here.

Hi there. Remember that there are risks to any operation and recovery is difficult for some people. I had a second circumcision when I was 20 but I had pretty much no pain afterwards and recovery was not too bad. My sons were circumcised as babies and recovered fine (usual at that age). But some people do experience problems or a slower recovery.

If you do decide to get circumcised make sure that you go to a highly reputable doctor and that you are sure of what style you’d like. Two friends of ours have been circumcised recently in Luton by Dr Khan (or one of his colleagues) and they are both absolutely delighted with the results. He came highly recommended by people on here (see my post ‘Where should our friend get circumcised’). I believe he also has a surgery in London.

misterhyde profile image

I just had one 8 days and am loving it! I'm upset with myself for not doing it sooner. Please don't allow the anti-circumcision intactivists, with foreskin fetishes to dissuade you from having it done.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply to misterhyde

Hope your recent circ went well. I like to think back on mine which took place 8 months ago. When I think of all those years of not being cut. All we can do now is enjoy our circumcised penises, and not worry about any intactivist, or anyone else ever taking it way.

Some great web sites for you to look at.

misterhyde profile image
misterhyde in reply to Circedandlovingit

Those sites were of tremendous help with giving me the information I needed for my circumcision.

mikeski1956 profile image

Best see your own DR, if you wash regular there shouldn't be a problem with hygiene.

All I can say is if you don't have a medical problem don't get cut, I was going down that path with my doctor but didn't do it, I had a problem with sugar and foreskin was always getting cuts and very painful.

But now I've learnt to control my sugars, and with better hygiene don't have that problem so much these days, but glad I didn't have it done, as I have grown quite attached to my foreskin.

So get advice from your doctor before you go down that road.

Benjamm01 profile image

If your foreskin is not infected and working normally. No point to get a circumcision. Foreskin is a important part of your sexual organ . Im circumcised myself. And there's a choice I won't choose to get circumcised

Levcso profile image

If you want to do it then do it, some will say dont do it (these guys did it because Medical reason), some will say go ahead (mostly personal choice). So if you thinking about it maybe you should have it done. I am still thinking about it but didnt make the first step, but this thing is on my mind since 2 years. I didnt see any Doc in Hungary who is using glue method and i want really nice Results. So i keep waiting i guess.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply to Levcso

Many of us start out that way. We think about it, but don't have enough support or information. Then we think about it again, and then again, but we never stop thinking about it. Finally we take the first step, and them the next, and the next. We get what we've wanted for a long time, to be circumcised. It's a very exciting feeling to experience when we've accomplished our goal. Please look at the websites I've post. Excellent information on all aspects of circumcision, from a science based perspective.

misterhyde profile image
misterhyde in reply to Circedandlovingit

It's hard to describe, but I feel like I've started a new life!

Did it for the same reasons as you. Best decision I've made. I haven't lost any sensitivity.

in reply to

I’m really pleased you’re happy with it. How long have you been circumcised?

misterhyde profile image
misterhyde in reply to

It was the best decision I ever made too, and it's just been 10 days. The only thing that bothers me about it all, is the lost time when I was uncircumcised. I feel like I missed out on something.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply to misterhyde

I feel the same way, and think about what would have happened if I had changed my mind at the last minute. I had already canceled several appointments, one with the Urologist, and another for the circumcision itself. I could have gone through the rest of life never knowing the pleasures of being circumcised. It's a very special experience . . .

Look mate I appreciate your views but i will make my own mind up cheers

Thanks I’ll take a look

jaglad profile image

Got bored reading some of the replies from people who cannot give advice without having a go at others.

Discuss it with your Doc ' first, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Hygiene should not be a problem only the way you think it looks.

Better or worse it is your penis and your choice.

I was circumcised for health reasons and am quite happy with it.

Did I prefer it before ? Definitely.

Good luck

Pastranasbd1965 profile image

Hi. I was circumcised a year ago, at 52, yo without clear medical indication.

Regarding cosmetics, well, that's subjective.

Regarding sex, I'd say that oral and PiV are the same, but masturbation definitely got worse.

My opinion:

unless there's a compelling medical necessity, skip the surgery.

Be in mind that there is no way back.

By the way, some comments of this thread are, at least, extremely weird.

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