Please I need help to overcome porn and masturbation addiction.
I need help: Please I need help to... - Men's Health Foru...
I need help

Has your porn usage lead to sexual activity beyond just viewing porn such as email or online chats that could also lead to setting up a live meeting?
No need to cut it out completely but try and take up another interest.
I guess you need a diversion. Find something else you need to do or are interested in.
Come on man why would you send a link for a porn site when this guy is looking for help to stop with a porn addiction?? Not cool!

You might want to try this on our other forum:
There's also stuff on our website:
When I get into binges of porn, it's because I have free time to do so and am not looking into other things. What keeps me away from porn is occupying my mind with something else. Learning programming, socializing, dating (even if it means having sex), working, hobbies, studying... all of these things take up time which break the habit.
The main thing I realized for myself that the word "addiction" makes it seem very hard to fight. I now consider it as a temporary habit. I watch porn sometimes, but I also watch Netflix and play video games to balance it out. I replaced porn with other habits.
The best practice for me is to get away from the computer. I also had to find my triggers to going into the habit.