Give your honest opinions feedback everything is welcome I’m 18 and this is my dick haha hope you like it
I got cut 4 weeks ago
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Congratulations on getting circumcised! It looks great. Circumcision is a wonderful operation. I love being circumcised. It is so beneficial and my partner and I had no hesitation in having our sons circumcised. They love being circumcised too. We are naturists and the boys have no embarrassment in being nude in front of others even though we are usually the only circumcised people on the beach and they are now 16 and 12. Enjoy your new status!
Amazing tool , enjoy it and also try to keep it flacid during the recovery , having it hard all times is not very good for the penis during this period .
Keep applying BIO OIL , you’re still red , so now you need to be PINK and looking healthy .
Whoever gets to enjoy that they should be on the moon really
Looks really good , clean cut ,and a really great size as a naturists myself I have noticed alot of guys been cut but they all seam to keep together in a group then you don't see any for days there are alot more uncut like me
That’s interesting that you see a lot of circumcised men on naturist sites- we hardly see any.

Have thought of going smooth you and your boys would look much better as I have been for years
I tend to be smooth. The boys have always kept their pubic hair, and that is their choice - I would never dictate to them about that. My partner Natasha is growing her pubes and armpit hair for the summer - we have a 14 year old daughter and we don’t want her to feel that female body hair is a no-no.

Nice to know you’re for body hair
It’s not so much that I’m for body hair - more that I’m for everyone to make their own choice. Sarah (our daughter) has clearly clocked in that it’s the done thing for a female to trim pubes and to remove all armpit hair and we don’t think that she should feel obliged to do the same. Natasha has always alternated from being totally smooth to being totally hairy with both her pubes and armpits and I think it looks beautiful either way.
Though funnily enough, Luke (our 16-year old) shaved off all of his pubic hair yesterday.
Though funnily enough, Luke (our 16-year old) shaved off all of his pubic hair yesterday.

Hi Peter. I'm a regular on a naturist beach in Spain and I'd say at least half the guys are circumcised. And a lot of them shaved too as Laseruk says. Seems to be particularly common amongst the older British men but I've noticed that recently a lot of younger Germans and even Spanish are getting cut.
Interesting - we see very few. Though most of the camps and beaches we go to are family orientated and there appear to be very few circumcised men or boys my age or younger. I was the only circumcised boy in my year at school and my sons are apparently the only circumcised boys in their class.

I was the only uncircumcised male in my class.
How did you feel about that? Was there any reaction from the other boys?

I was rather embarrassed about being uncut and kept to myself. I would go to the pool and the younger kids would razz me about being uncut.
Sorry to hear that. My boys coped with teasing very well - we brought them up to be proud of their circumcised penises and that coupled with their ease of being nude in public must have helped.
Like I said before your penis looks very good. Very well healed! Now the head has been freed from the foreskin, it's gonna flare out and become even bigger. Keep applying Bio oil for another few weeks for speeding things up. Once everything is completely healed, try to apply a moisturizer daily on the glans for keeping it smooth and sensitive. Did you already "use" it after being circumcised?
Is it really true the head gets bigger after circumcision? I’ve seen may cut men freeballing and their head was always pretty visible - you know, that typical head print. I was cut two weeks ago and I’m sure mine wouldn’t be even spotted - not that it would matter, but just wondering if it’s genetics or if it truly increases in volume over time.
I mean it does seem to me my head has grown, which is a yay for me! So I would say it in some cases yes
The head definitely will grow bigger but you'll have to give it some time. Mine got a lot bigger after my circumcision and I've seen it with my cut friends too.
Haha that’s good to hear
My head definitely flared out in the couple of years after my circ.
Mine flared out too after my second circumcision, probably because it was very tight. My sons have noticeably big glans penises from the very tight circumcisions we chose them to have as babies.
It looks good mate