Hi all, I had a full hysterectomy on Sept 2019 due to re occurring endometriosis and ovarian cysts. I had many key hole surgeries to remove both. The last key hole before my hysterectomy was performed by a lady doctor who I specifically had said I didn't want her to touch me as she had told me she wasn't confident in operating on me due to scar tissue and that if she did I might end up with my bowel being damaged or worse still she might damage other things inside. I was promised by my male consultant that he would be doing op no one else would touch me. But low and behold when I woke I felt like I had been butchered. The whole of my stomach was black and blue, huge with swelling. Thought nothing of it at first until I had to go for check up 1 week later. I was still in pain having issues with my bowel and bladder and very swollen and majorly bruised. When my consultant saw me I burst into tears and said you didn't operate on me did you.?He looked at my tummy and actually gasped at the sight of it the started to apologise, said he was called away on an emergency just before my op and the lady I didn't want to operate on me was the only one available. I said that I would rather of waited than have her touch me. He pleaded with me not to put in formal complaint and to let him rectify what she had done wrong. 3 months later my endometriosis and cysts were back with a vengeance. The scan showed also that now the endometriosis was growing on other organs in my abdomen. That's when it was agreed to perform full hysterectomy and laser away endometriosis on my other organs. After the op my consultant came to see me and explained what had been done. He said he had never seen anything like it before, my womb was massive and totally fiddled with endometriosis and that my tubes and ovaries were covered in cysts. He then asked for my permission for my womb tubes and ovaries to be used for studies and for him to send a sample away to check for cancer. I was discharged the next day after my op. After a week I got a letter saying I was discharged into the care of my doctor. Then covid happened. I was left with no on going support or care. I have had a gastric band since 2012 and had lost half my body weight also. This was done due to medical reasons. Since having the hysterectomy I've had to have my band loosend due to movement of my organs in pelvic area. Since the hysterectomy my tummy has just expanded my bowels are all over the place my bladder I can't seem to empty properly and I feel like my insides are trying to come out of my nether regions. I've gained weight, even though my diet has been the same since I first had gastric band, and my portion sizes are that of a small child. I'm now on estrelle hrt. I'm feeling so bloated and low and just don't know what is wrong. I can't get a doctor to see me and can't seem to get anywhere. Has anyone got any advice at all. I'm at the point of just giving up now, as my arthritis and fibro are worsening and I'm in pain constantly.
Please any advice : Hi all, I had a... - Menopause and Per...
Please any advice

Gosh I really have no advice or any idea what to suggest, but I realise you posted this two days ago and have no replies yet. Although I have never experienced anything like this I know how lonely it can feel having something wrong with you even with family and friends supporting you so I just wanted to say hi and send you a virtual hug.
You do sound understandably really low. Is your GP not interested in helping you? If that's the case is it possible for you to try a different surgery?
OMG I so feel for you that's horrendous what you have been through. Are you in the UK. If so I would ask for a referral to Mr John Studd at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital. Also there is a site called Hystersisters.com. I don't know what I would have done without their support after my hysterectomy. Big hug