Headaches after meningitis? New guidelines could help.
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Headaches after meningitis? New guidelines could help.
Find out more in our special blog and let us know what you think.
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I suffered various severities of headaches after meningitis from mild to severe where I couldn't even sit up I found a remidy called 4head it has been a real life line for me, I have even used it as pain relief top up during my episodes of bm, I use the rub, I find it a safer option than medication as medication has side effects some which can be severe this is herbal so the side effects can be much lower, I have used it for a number of used years aswell as 2 of my cousins who suffered bm both whilst they had meningitis and after when they suffered headaches you just rub it on your forehead when you have the headache wait a few minutes and get the relief all 3 of us 2 girls 1 boy found it really good I have used it between ages 16-24 years my cousin was 17 and my other was 15 so not sure about young children and this is based on our experience