Hi everyone. I'm recovering from my 4th bout of VM. My first was in 1990, second in 2015, third in 2016 and now 2020! My memory has definitely taken a hit. I have headaches daily and the Dr's really don't know what to do for the pain. It's very frustrating I can only take so much ibuprofen! Does anyone out there have any suggestions? Thank you!
4th time with VM: Hi everyone. I'm recovering... - Meningitis Now
4th time with VM

I too have had it 4 x im 59 male and it has affected my memory , whats left of it. ive been able to fake my way thru life for the last 20 yrs
I’m so sorry to hear that. I have had it twice in 2011 and 2015. After the first bout the doctors said I will never get it again but I did. Do they know why yours reoccurs? I’m so scared of getting it again. I still live with head and back pain from the last time. Ibuprofen doesn’t work. Only Norco and I only take when it’s really bad. I am almost out Of pills and I know they won’t prescribe more so I treat it like gold. Too many people abuse opioids but if your in great pain it is needed. I hope you find relief. Sometimes I feel like others and even doctors don’t understand what VM survivors go through.
All the best,
have u tried ice to ease your pain? I had viral meningitis five months ago and I have daily headaches and migraines.i am still in the process of trying prophylactic treatments and now gonna try botox. my doctor ordered another lumbar 2 months ago and it turned out i have meningitis still,they call it chronic meningitis when meningitis lasts more than 4 weeks and they told me it has to resolve by itself no medication for it.
My doctor has me on
Duloxetine 60mg 2 x a day,
That works not to bad but I now have another table which I'll have to het the name of for you,
As I understand it they help suppress the nerve system to stop it telling the brain there is real pain but there isn't and you have no injuries for there to be pain, that's how I understand it anyway....
I do cold or hot water therapy (shower) They seem to both help if i catch it right at the beginning. Also sitting in my recliner for 5 to 10 minutes seem to calm my nervous system down and stops the headaches. Dark shades and hat because the light triggers the headaches. Lots of cool fluids and no direct sun. Best of luck to you i hope you find relief.