Was anyone given steroids to help fight meningitis? If so how many mg did you take and what affects has it had? Since I was given steroids I started at 60mg and put on about 40kg in just a few months. My neurologist says its water retention, but my whole body and face has change so significantly. I am not on just 5mg and some of the water retention in my face has gone. But I can’t seem to be loosing it from my neck, belly or legs. Will this eventually go away?
Steroids?: Was anyone given steroids to help... - Meningitis Now

Oh wow. I had no idea, all the puffiness was from steroids!!!
I was given steroids for three weeks . Not sure how much but I did indeed swell ! I thought for sure when I was in the hospital that I was going to find I lost weight but to my great surprise , I gained weight . It took me about a year after having meningitis to return to my normal weight . The steroids saved our lives . A small price to pay in return to being alive .
Yes, I have MS my neurologist dictated IV solumedrol 1250 mg, 2 days, then a 2 week taper of prednisone . I prefer inter Venus steroids to prednisone any day! It’s easier & doesn’t drive u crazy mentally, the prednisone is so hard on a-person. Had VM twice in 6 months same treatment, took a long time to recover balance, calm, a sense of well being, doesn’t seem even my nuero gist of 18 years knew a lot about VM. I find that extremely sad the medical world was so lacking when it comes to VM. 😉 good luck wishing u well, took 4 years but I’m back to the best I can be .