Hey guys, my names Aidyn and I were diagnosed with Meningococcal strain B in February this year, I don't know what I want out of writing this? maybe reassurance that it'll be okay? its been 4 months and I'm still dealing with the after effects of all of this, constantly dazed and somewhat confused, if I concentrate for too long everything gets dizzy and starts shaking, I feel sick, I feel a pressure in my head all the time, lack of motivation, its driving me insane and affecting every part of my life from my relationship with my beautiful partner who has been with me from when I was sick threw till now, too my work life and to be honest every other aspect of my life where I'll get really dizzy and have to leave early because I just can't bear to be there any longer or ill feel like I'm going to pass out, hopefully someone can give me some tips on what's best to do to make my recovery a bit easier because f*** it been so hard so far.. Thanks heaps for reading
Meningococcal recovery help please!! - Meningitis Now
Meningococcal recovery help please!!

I'm so sorry to hear this. There is a post on this forum by Squeakmouse, that really helped me understand this horrendous illness.
I hope it will help you too.
Blessings always
I had a mini bout in February as well, ive had 4 other full blown bouts and little mini bouts, but the Feb one was pretty bad worst mini one … and I am still trying to cope with the after effects, please be strong and positive as that is really important for you to get thru all this, you should get some anti viral vitamins and build your immune stystem vitamins just live a healthy life style and try not to stress as that's not good for the immune system and even become vegetarian/vegan live the healthyiest life you can ok, take care and always talk to the forum if you need help don't hesitate as anything you are going thru we have all been thru the same … we all have your back ...
Hi there I know what your going through my son nearly died mid October last year through being mid diagnosed. Since then it seems like he as a few good days and then bad days. And he as to keep going back for check ups. And hence it does take time and the road ahead may seem rough at the minute but believe me you can and will get through it and if you ever need to talk just message me
Yeah just hang in there as it can take quite some time for your body to recover. Based on what I have read and experienced so far I would say keep months out of your true thought process and optimistically expect at least a few years. Seems every single victim/case is different. Just keep your body as healthy as possible, boost immunity any way possible, stay positive and just take each day for what it is.
Well, I am 4 months in and I have good days and bad days. Any type of brain stimulation, good or bad, makes me feel confused and shaky. I still lose my words, numb places come and go, hands are very shaky, headaches come and go, weird feelings when I am around a lot of people. I know what you mean, this seems to go on forever but it will get better. I had very dark thoughts during the first month and before this illness I was always upbeat and happy. You seriously wonder if you will ever be normal again. But, I have improved. I went back to work on March 4. Probably best thing I could have done as the more I sit and think the worse I feel. Sickness feeds anxiety and anxiety feeds sickness. As I have posted before, rest a lot, drink lots of water and learn to be selfish for a while. (As long as you can get by with it. 😆) But, I will also tell you it helps me to get out when I can. I walk my dog every evening after work and I feel much better afterward. This is seriously an evil illness. You look fine but feel like s@#t. Do not let this illness own you. The more positive you stay the better you feel. Try to be around positive people that will talk to you about things other than your illness. It is constantly in your head anyway. WE will get through this. Rest your brain and keep moving if and when you can.
Almost 3 years ago for when l had bacterial meningitis. All of your symptoms are everything l had. For me it was nearly a year after before things started to get anything like back to normal.
I found getting out regularly everyday walking helped enormously. It took a long time to rebuild energy, and trying to think straight. I found the fresh air and clearing my mind helped. The headaches faded in time too. Healthy eating and accepting what happened allowed me to realise that only l could make tomorrow better than yesterday. My wife struggled too putting so much strain on her.
Talk with your loved ones and try to explain to them what's going on. On the outside sometimes they cannot see the mess left behind from menningitis.
Sleeping well and enough is so important in your recovery. The more l tried to get better the easier it became. But it takes time and alot of patience. When things got hard l would think of what could have happened, l soon realised that accepting everything now was better thoughts
l still get dizzy moments, not often. I am one of the lucky ones, from deaths door to 95% back to where l was. A bit of memory loss but now grateful for every day.
Take care
It's a pleasure to be able to guide you in something. I consider that the disease was treated and updated the vaccination scheme and what it presents are sequelae. It is very important to consider that your nervous system suffered an aggression and it is necessary that you take some medicines that will help you. We have Complejo B 1 tab every 8 hours for a month. Nucleo CMP forte 1 capsules every 8 hours for 30 days. For dizziness, I recommend metoclopramide or dimenhydrinate 1 tab every 12 hours for 15 days. You should also help with supplements that contain phosphorus, glutamic acid. A good source of food is chicken liver, watercress, alfalfa, nuts.