I haven't posted on here for quite some time but felt I should. I am hoping that sharing my experiences may help others going through something similar (read my previous posts for my full story).
It is now 15 months since I had BM and the good news is that I have been back in work full time since Jan 19!
I still have a few symptoms- dizziness, some speach problems when I'm tired, and unfortunately my emotions are still all over the place. However this has now been explained as my last MRI showed that the infection damaged my Insula (which is the part of the brain that deals with emotions!). We were actually relieved to find out there was a reason for it all and I am now seeing a neuropsychologist and neuro OT who are helping me cope with it all. I would be struggling far more without this diagnosis which also found some scarring, damage to my frontal lobe as well as 2 historic strokes. I feel very lucky to be where I am today as reading other posts I feel I have escaped far more serious and damaging injuries by the skin of my teeth.
I also attend a post ITU patient support group, which has been set up by the nurses themselves and has been so helpful in clearing some of the "fog " I had about the time it all happened. Being in a coma was (for me) horrific. Some of the hallucinations and pain and things my brain was doing were indescribable and coming back to the real world was strangely just as traumatic. This group has given me answers to so many of the questions I had and has made a bit more sense to it all where I am now at the point where I honestly feel I am ok with my new life and the future.
I may improve again or I may not but I am lucky (despite what is still ongoing) to be now able to look forward to the future, when for so long I had no idea what that may look like (and to a certain degree I still dont) but I am ok with that.
I have come a long way after being very sick.
Time (which you will get sick of hearing! ) is what it takes. You will learn to set your own pace and know when you are ready to start the next steps.
This is just my story. But if it helps anyone in anyway then I'm glad I posted.
Stay strong.