I should be getting dressed, but instead am writing this post. Recovering from VM and Encephalitis from the autumn, last year. Then in January 2109 had an episode in a parking lot. Saw a very bright light, like a pop, frozen in place. Then, ultra severe dizziness and nausea. Thank goodness I was holding onto a shopping cart or I would have fallen. Went to ER. They ruled out stroke (I could have told them that) and all they did was treat the symptoms, not explore the cause. I don't know what this MD will say. Am concerned if its good or bad. Will update later. Wish me luck,
Seeing Epilepsy Neurologist Today - Meningitis Now
Seeing Epilepsy Neurologist Today

Good luck, I hope you manage to get to the bottom of things. My vm was in summer year before last.
Wow. Hope they had some ideas of what it was. Let us know. 6timerVM myself. Always curious if other multiple sufferers know their underlying cause?
Being admitted for 3 nights to a major hospital, Epilepsy Center. Icky electrodes placed on my head, will monitor and try to check/promote seizure in a monitored safe environment. Am hoping this was just a 1 off last January, but need to be sure.
Wishing you comfort and a compassionate hospital staff.
Best wishes xxx i have had 3 reoccurring episodes ..the last one i had was very touchy to live from muchless recovery is long and and hard.although i know it will come back i still continue to live my life and have fun when i can as i know it will eventually be the death of me its harder to fight each time and each passing year.