I had viral meningitis in June 2016 and whilst I am making roads to recovery I still feel a shadow of my old active working self. The doctors told me it was likely to take 2 years for any form of recovery and they had no idea of my future "normal"! At the time I felt sure this couldn't be correct, however I am now seeing it is. I had to give up work as it affected my memory and numeracy skills, on top of that I am now getting regular migraines, joint and body pain and extreme fatigue. Has anyone had any success in the UK with meds for the pain etc? I tried many migraine meds but none worked so I now manage with sleep and dark rooms coupled by paracetamol/ibuprofen. I am concerned I may have fibro as seem to be showing a lot of the symptoms, albeit some I had prior to the VM. Anyone else experienced this as it is really getting me down?
I didn't believe the doctors :-]: I had viral... - Meningitis Now
I didn't believe the doctors :-]

Please give my daughter's story a read on this site. Rosie S's Story. Here lies sugnificant success (from what we know so far), for complete recovery from VM!
She suffered for near on two years before discovering meningitis now, subsequently trying cranial massage by visiting an independant cranial osteopath in her area.
All the symptoms you are experiencing are pretty much similar to what she suffered. It seems the key, and recent breakthrough, is releasing the spinal fluid which VM leaves a blockage for...and enabling it to flow again through your body, particularly your head.
There are some on this sight who have now given it a go after reading about it, and after just a couple of sessions, felt considerable relief.
I the last few days Rosie and I have been contacted by the media, news papers and radio to tell our story of this potential breakthrough!
We now feel we want to help as many poor people who have suffered this dreadful illness for which before now seemed there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
Good luck and please keep posed how you get on if you try this amazing treatment. Rosie coupled this with acupuncture, having alternate treatments once a week, now a couple of months in. Xx
I am one of those using cranial Sakrel massage, It's really helping, and I don't know why it's not being discussed more in the medical profession and on blogs e.t.c
I had VM in jan 15 & been left with ME / chronic fatigue so I would check that out as that sounds like what u are describing! I've had epilepsy meds to help with migraine - pregablim or topiramate try that xx I'm still off long term sick - listen to your body and try to get as much rest as u can x
Hello, have you tried cranial massage? Maybe give it a go, I'm sure you will be surprised at how much better you feel. Good luck, lots of love
My 4 month old sees a cranial osteopath due to neck issues from birth - when i mentioned it she said that she hadn't treated anyone for it and that a neck massage maybe better! So I'll show her this thread & see what she says thanks x