I became ill with VM in Sept 2016, spent one week in hospital and 4 weeks at home recovering. Went back to work on a short phased return over 2 weeks. Over the next 6 months I suffered from recurring chest infections and general fatigue. Memory issues, anxiety, inability to process information and lack of concentration and focus. Having said that I carried on going into work and doing extended hours to keep on top of things. I certainly put my job first I instead of my health and family. Things have come to a head and I've been having anxiety and chest pains. My GP referred me to a Cardiologist and I'm undergoing tests to rule out any corony issues. I am off work whilst this is happening and have been referred to an Occupational Therapist by my manager for guidance. Please can anyone give some advice on how to cope at work whilst suffering the after effects of VM. I'm not very good at asking for help and putting my needs first. Perhaps if I had I wouldn't be in this situation! My anxiety levels are so high and I'm finding it difficult to focus and drive this forward with the OH therapist.
Viral Meningitis 10 months on: I became ill... - Meningitis Now
Viral Meningitis 10 months on
The effects of VM can not be over estimated. I had it in 2010 and as my wife says, I am a different person. Listen to your body take things easy. If you can and able take time off work. You will be tIred,scared,angry. There is lots of help available, seek it.
My story is very similar to yours although I am now 15 months on from VM. I also put work ahead of everything else and had to deal with your issues. Because I was trying to push myself and was unable to cope, I ended up with chronic fatigue syndrome and also suffered a nervous breakdown and was hospitalised for another six weeks. All I can say is out yourself first and focus on getting right rather than pushing yourself because when it comes down to it, you and your family are far more important than your job.
Like you I think going back to work so soon after was a big mistake. I got VM just before Christmas 2015 so things were busy and then on 4th January 2016 returned to work. I was constantly getting ill, went to the GP probably every month or 2 with recurrent 'viral infections'. I was just told to take paracetamol and ibuprofen and things would improve within 6 months. 18 months on I still have many side effects and am at a point where I am scared I will lose my job because I need to work from home so often but having said his work is my life, I've dedicated myself to it so much but now I do feel it has probably slown down my recovery because I didn't give myself time to rest. I would recommend definitely putting yourself first as health is he most important thing. My work have been great but I feel unless you go through it you don't truly understand and I feel they may think I use my symptoms as an excuse for one off work which is frustrating because I would do anything to reverse what happened and go back to the person I used to be.
I was diagnosed with VM on 6/29/17. Everyone says I shouldn't go back to work so soon. I did go back (restaurant manager) but I feel it could be a mistake. Ive had bad headaches again , tiredness, whole body sore neck hurts,chest hurts ...Idk what to do . I feel pressured to work (bills) but I don't won't to jeopardise my health.